Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters: ELA Criterion-Referenced Total Number of Items: 44 / Total Number of Points: 55 Breakdown by Item Type: Selected Response (worth 1 point each ) Constructed Response (2 points each) 1 Extended Constructed Response: Narrative (worth 4 points ) 1 Extended Response: Informative/Explanatory (worth 7 points) Test Weights Reading and Vocabulary 53% Writing and Language 47% Total number of items taken by each student: 60
47% of GMAS Total Score 4 Point Narrative 7 Point Extended Response Students will read a passage. 1 Extended constructed- response item allowing for narrative prose. Uses knowledge of narrative story elements. Potential Prompts: Rewrite the beginning or ending of the story Consider different character points of view Focus on Grammar/Language Skills. Students will read 2 texts. Extended Response Opinion/Argumentative OR Informational Writing.
Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters: Math Criterion-Referenced Total Number of Items: 53 / Total Number of Points: 58 Breakdown by Item Type: Selected Response Constructed Response Test Weights Operations and Algebraic Thinking 10% Number and Operations (Base 10) 25% Number and Operations (Fractions) 30% Measurement and Data 20% Geometry 15%
ScienceSocial Studies Selected Responses Total Number of Items: 55 / Total Number of Points: 55 Test Weights Earth Science 30% Physical Science 30% Life Science 40% Selected Responses Total Number of Items: 55 / Total Number of Points: 55 Test Weights History 50% Geography 15% Government/Civics 20% Economics 15%