2 minute edit The kapok tree is full of birds snakes monkeys and other animals
Vocabulary Can you pronounce it Do know the definition Can you use it in a sentence
Title: The Great Kapok Tree Reading Goal: Compare and Contrast Team Cooperation Goal: Complete Tasks Genre : Fantasy Author: Lynne Cherry
I got all wet when I tried to leap over the creak and landed in the water. leap: jump
A ballerina makes graceful movements while performing on stage. graceful: smooth
When farmers settle in the rain forest, they drive out all the creatures and people who already live there. settle:Move in
Scientists think the Mayan civilization ended because the Mayan cities ruined the local environment. ruined:destroyed
When Albert was on crutches, he was always plodding around the hallways at school, late for class. plodding: Moving slowly
When the king passed the peasants, they all knelt until he was out of sight. knelt:Got down on his or her knees
Reading Goal: Compare and Contrast Compare: Look for ways things are the same. Contrast: Look for ways things are different.
Pages TE p. 572 Pages
Let’s Read Which animal has the best argument against chopping down the kapoc tree?
Team Talk Let’s preview the questions on page 147 of your treasure hunt.
Partner Read 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you pages Partner Read p. A:370-B:372 Restate page B:370 and A:372 Read Silently: Page Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words
Team Discussion Pass out Team Discussion Cards Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 2 and 4
Class Discussion What are some of the words you clarified? Answer questions 1-4
Adventures in Writing 15 min Treasure hunt page 146 Discuss with your table first.
Vocabulary Practice Treasure Hunt Page 73
Fluency 5 min Pg 72-74, paragraphs 1-6