The Animals of Asbury Park By Darius, Diane And Tiara content/uploads/2006/07/zoo2. jpg
The Raccoon It eats crayfish,frogs,small fish,turtles,corn,voles, mice They are nocturnal, the few predator it has is the fox,bobcat,and coyotes and they are also very violent. Source: Facts on File Science Online
The skunk Is a member of the weasel family Skunks are fast movers with acute vision They belong to the rodentia family Source: Facts on File Science Online
Frogs have 2 hind legs that are good 4 jumping Frogs also have web feet for swimming A grown frogs weight is about several pounds and a few ounces Frogs eat all kinds of insects like worms,flies,slugs,beetles and spiders and some tropical frogs eat bats,rats and snakes Frogs vary in size Source: Facts on File Science Online, llinschaos/Tropical%20Frogs.%20A crylic%20on%20MDF.%20Not%20 my%20image..J
The squirrel Squirrels mostly live in trees They like colder climate The United States has over different species