Unit 3 Discussion Socorro Rojas
Copyright & Fair Use Post According to the text, copyright laws give the creator of original works exclusive rights to use and profit from it. Copyright provides legal proof of the owner, their expiration of the ownership and the rules and regulations in order to use the work. The majority of copy written work requires a fee to be paid to the owner. Whereas fair use allows individuals to use brief information from the copy written material without permission. Although fair use may seem easier in order to use a bit of information from someone else's work, it should not be abused mainly because it can be mistaken with plagiarism or simply breaking the copyright laws. Nevertheless there will always be times we need to use someone else's work either to prove a point, back up our idea or provide other people's point of views. As a student and future educator I know the importance of both copyright material and fair use and will do all I can to help others understand it as well.
Responses 1. Socorro Rojas reply to Karson Land 10/5/ :07:15 PM RE: The Impact of Copyright and Fair Use on Education Karson, I agree with everything you said but I like the point you make about there not being a definite line drawn the most. There are so many things a person can do to go around some laws today because of their grey areas. It is an issue that will not go away and all we can do it do our part to try to keep it from happening by informing others or like you said, "pay them or get permission". 2. Socorro Rojas reply to Victoria Leake 10/5/ :15:14 PM RE: Victoria Leake: Copyright & Fair Use Victoria, you are completely right, we have laws to protect. Whether it is a movie that has just been released in theaters, a new album, song, book or anything else. If we cannot protect our own work somehow then what is the point of putting our name on it right? Determining the difference between copyright and fair use took me a bit longer than I expected but I get it now. We cannot be too ignorant or lazy to do or protect our own work as well as anyone else's. I like how you mentioned the copyright date being a factor in using work without permission. Let's not mistaken copyright for fair use and its limited rights to use some of the work briefly because it may cost us more than we can afford whether it's money or jail.