Harassment and Bullying
Presented by: Deputy James Phelps Clark County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer- Heritage HS
What is Bullying? * Telling someone you are going to: - Hurt or Injure them. - Steal or Break their property - Not let them leave - Do anything else that makes them feel hurt or scared
Bullying is Bad News If you bully someone, and they really think you will hurt them, it is a CRIME called, HARASSMENT You can get in trouble at school AND with the police.
Other Kinds of Bullying Bullying someone because of the COLOR of their SKIN (RACE) WHERE THEY COME FROM (NATION) WHAT THEY BELIEVE (RELIGION) PROBLEMS THEY HAVE (DISABILITY) Is a very bad kind of bullying called MALICIOUS HARASSMENT
Other Kinds of Bullying If you bully or threaten someone by sending an EMAIL, TEXT MESSAGE, INSTANT MESSAGE, or other ELECTRONIC MESSAGE, it is called: CYBER-BULLYING
What Does Bullying Look Like? Physical: Hitting, kicking, pushing, biting, or hurting someone. Stealing or hiding someone’s stuff. Non-Physical: Name calling, teasing, making up stories or rumors, and threats. Cyber: Text, email, My Space.
Bullying and Intimidation Another kind of bullying is INTIMIDATION: Telling someone you will hurt them if they tell about what you did. If you INTIMIDATE someone in this way, you can get into BIG TROUBLE. When adults do this, they go to JAIL
Criminal Consequences for Older Kids Arrested and transported to Juvenile Detention Have to go to Court Parents have to pay a fine Might have to spend time in JUVENILE HALL
School and the “No Snitching” Rule Do not tell, tattle, snitch or talk about what someone else has done or said. “I don’t want to be a snitch!” “I’m not a rat.” OK, then what are the consequences . . .
School and the “No Snitching” Rule Who WINS with the “No Snitching” Rule? > Kids who are causing problems, making threats, harassing others, and creating drama If they keep getting away with it, they’ll keep doing it! You may be the next victim. But who LOSES? > EVERYONE! Kids who are being bullyed and threatened, kids who get caught up in the drama, even the BULLYS- because if they keep doing it, they will eventually get into even more trouble.
What can you do if someone is BULLYING YOU? Talk to your parents Talk to your counselor Talk to Security or an Administrator Telling an adult about the problem is the first step in solving it.
Final Warning BULLYING is NOT COOL, and can lead to BIG TROUBLE. Teasing, Bullying, and Hurting people IS NOT the way to solve problems or get what you want. If someone bullies or threatens you- REPORT IT RIGHT AWAY!!!