TELEVISION CRIME DRAMA: AUDIENCE LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. By the end of the lesson you will be able to… 7 th November 2011
LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. Who watches television crime drama? Discuss on your tables and be prepared to feed back. Starter activity 2 minutes.
LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. Who is the target audience? Below are the programmes that we have watched so far. For each, answer who is the target audience and why do you think that? You can comment on any of the features of narrative (setting, characters, pace etc) that we have looked at so far. Sherlock Holmes Appropriate adult Midsomer murders Spooks Programme watched for homework 5 minutes.
LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. Television crime drama- audience Like any other investigation into audience, it is important to think about the make up of the different groups that watch television crime drama. Look at the three questions below and discuss them on your tables. Answer the questions in your book in full sentences. Ext: Use examples from the programmes to highlight your points. 1.What is appealing about television crime drama? 2.Why do audiences enjoy television crime drama? 3.How are crime dramas created to appeal to different target audiences? 5 minutes
LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. Target audience Thinking about what makes each of the programmes watched appealing to its target audience, we are now going to design an ideal programme that would appeal to you. In groups of 3-4, you are going to create a pitch for a television crime drama that will appeal to a target audience of year olds. You will have 15 minutes to come up with the pitch in your groups and then you will feed back to the rest of the class.
Creating a pitch LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama. When pitching your idea to the class you will need to speak about the following: The name of your programme Main characters (Are they detectives, police or other crime fighting professionals?) Setting Pace Basic plot outline Representation of police You will only have 2 minutes to give your pitch to the class to try and persuade them that your pitch will appeal most to the target audience.
Your 15 minutes is up! Be ready to feedback to the class.. LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama.
Homework reminder- Homework to be uploaded on weebly’s by Wednesday!
Media Club! Every Monday after school- access to laptops to catch up with any work you are falling behind on in media. Please come and use the hour wisely!!! LO: Understand how to identify the target audience of a television crime drama.