careers By june kim
Order What do scientist do? Who are scientists? Famous Scientists What is an actor’s job like?(actor) How much does this job pay? Famous actors What is this job like? How much does this job pay? Police officers
1 What do scientist do? Scientists discover why things are the way t hey are. They study why things happen, a nd how things happen to help people und erstand the world around them so everybo dy could live better lives.
Who are scientists? Everybody's a scientist. I (meaning you) am a scie ntist. Although my name or everybody else's name isn't read about in a textbook or praised by the out side world for an amazing discovery that helped th e world, we are all scientists. I learn about how thi ngs work, whether it's our skeletal system or a sim ple machine, and that's exactly what a scientist do es. You don't have to be named Albert Einstein, Th omas Edison, or Isaac Newton to be hailed a scien tist. You just have to be yourself and learn.
Famous Scientists
2 What is an actor’s job like? Actors perform on stage, on the radio, on television, or in movies. It's hard f or most actors to find steady work. Only a few become famous "stars." Som e well-known, skilled actors may be in supporting roles. Others work as "extr as," with no lines or only one or two lines. They also teach in high school or college drama departments, acting conservatories, or public programs. Actors work under constant pressure. Many face stress from the need to fin d their next job. Actors need patience. Most acting jobs only last a short period of time—from 1 day to a few month s—which means that actors can have a long time between jobs. Some actor s have other jobs in order to make enough money. Actors work long and irregular hours. They may do one show at night and a nother during the day. They also might travel with a particular job. Evening a nd weekend work is a regular part of an actor's life. Actors should be in good physical condition. They must endure heat from bri ght lights. They get water breaks so they will not get tired or sick from heat o r thirst.
How much does this job pay? The middle half of all actors made hourly e arnings between $8.47 and $22.51 in The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less t han $7.31, and the highest-paid 10 percen t earned more than $ The most famous actors earn much more.
Famous actors
What is this job like? Police and detectives enforce laws. They catch crimin als. They collect evidence. At times they testify in court. Others patrol set areas to prevent crime. Some patrol and give out traffic tickets. Some police direct traffic. M ost police wear uniforms; detectives and special agent s work in regular clothes. Most detectives are part of r egular police forces. Special agents work for Federal a nd State agencies. They file reports about what they'v e done during the day. Most police work on foot or ride in cars. Some, howev er, ride horses, bikes, or motorcycles. Some work in b oats on rivers and in harbors. Some police work with d ogs.
What is this job like? (police) Most police and detectives work at least 40 hours a we ek. When they work longer, they get extra pay. Becaus e police work is a 24-hour-a-day job, some police have to work nights and weekends. They have to be ready t o go to work at all times. Police may work very long ho urs on a case. Some have to travel a lot, often on shor t notice. Some police work outdoors in all kinds of weather. So me take very big risks when they chase criminals in ca rs or when they make an arrest. The job can be very st ressful and dangerous for the police officer. The officer 's family may worry a lot. Good training, teamwork, an d good equipment reduce the number of injuries and d eaths among police officers.
How much does this job pay? The middle half of all police and sheriff's patrol officers earned betwe en $35,600 and $59,880 a year in The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $27,310. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $72,450 a year. The middle half of all police and detective supervisors earned betwe en $53,900 and $83,940 a year in The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $41,260. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $104,410 a year. The middle half of all detectives and criminal investigators earned b etween $43,920 and $76,350 a year in The lowest-paid 10 per cent earned less than $34,480. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $92,590 a year. Police get paid for overtime. Police also receive paid vacation, sick l eave, and medical and life insurance. Often they get money for unifo rms. Many retire at half-pay after 25 or 30 years of service.
Police officers