NDSU Agriculture NDSU Biotech Crop Research & Foundation Seedstocks Update
NDSU Agriculture Barley: In cooperation with USDA/ARS at Fargo - scab resistance. Canola: Variety evaluations, crop production research. Corn: BT and Roundup Resistance (RR) hybrid evaluation. Weed control research. Potato: Research has mostly been discontinued. Resistance to Colorado potato beetle, black spot, Verticillium wilt, potato virus Y, leaf roll, starch to sugar conversion and RR.
NDSU Agriculture Soybean:RR varietal testing and development. Sclerotinia resistance Sugarbeet: RR and Liberty Link for weed control. HRSW Wheat: Weed control research with RR wheat is investigated at select Fargo area locations and Research Extension Centers. HRSW & HWW: Potential variety development material at the Langdon REC and the Dalrymple Experimental Plots at Casselton and Prosper. Durum: In cooperation with USDA at Fargo - scab resistance.
NDSU Agriculture NDSU Variety Release and Distribution NDSU policies and programs control the release and d istribution of new varieties from the crop breeding programs Plant Breeding Teams Varietal Release Committee Director of NDAES NDSU Research Foundation Foundation Seedstocks Project Seed increase & distribution by regional seedsmen
NDSU Agriculture NDSU Research Foundation A not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization Support NDSU Mission Develop Linkages Facilitate Faculty & Staff Facilitate NDSU Programs Enhance NDSU Promote Economic Development Develop & Administer Contracts
NDSU Agriculture NDSU Research Foundation NDSU can enter into varietal development/research agreements with private industry. NDSU/RF--Commercialization License in Technology Ownership Protection License out technology Royalty Management Roughrider Genetics® Program
NDSU Agriculture NDSU/RF Roughrider Genetics® Controlled Licensing Program Technology Transfer Compliance Royalty Management Agreement with Foundation Seedstocks
NDSU Agriculture NDSU Foundation Seedstocks Project Genetic Purity – Breeder seed Foundation Seed Increase Seed industry interface General Distribution Roughrider Genetics® An operational unit of the NDAES administered through the Crop Science Department