ME451 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine Systems Dynamics of Planar Systems May 07, 2009 EOM in non-Cartesian Reference Frames ~ not in textbook~ Quote of the day: Never mistake motion for action. Ernest Hemingway © Dan Negrut, 2009 ME451, UW-Madison
Before we get started… Last Time Inverse Dynamics Analysis Equilibrium Analysis Covered two examples Today: Discuss about formulating the EOMs using a set of generalized coordinates (GCs) different than the Cartesian GCs The idea is that you use precisely the same ingredients that you use in the Cartesian case You need only one additional thing – a “bridging” function that tells you how the Cartesian GCs are obtained in terms of the new GCs that you prefer to use Looking ahead Final Exam is one week from Friday Bring your take-home component Bring your final project if you chose to do one 2
Course Evaluation Please comment on what you didn’t like about this class Please comment on what you liked about this class Please comment on the use of ADAMS in this class Any departing thoughts you might have for me 3
Today lecture’s Question: You have a mechanism and are interested in finding its time evolution What if you want to express the equations of motion (EOM) in a set of generalized coordinates that is not Cartesian? Example: Simple Pendulum Why not use the angle to express the time evolution of the pendulum? 4
Non-Cartesian GCs: Further comments Benefits of working with non-Cartesian GCs: You might be able to formulate the problem as an ODE problem as opposed to a DAE problem as it is almost always the case when you use Cartesian coordinates For ODE problems you don’t have the complications deriving from the use of Newmark’s formulas, and using any classical numerical integration formula will do The dimension of the problem in general is reduced Typically, you can reduce it all the way to having a number of differential equations equal to the number of degrees of freedom associated with your mechanism Example: For the simple pendulum you’d have one second order ODE For the double pendulum you’d have two second order ODEs 5
Non-Cartesian GCs: Further comments (Cntd.) Drawbacks of working with non-Cartesian GCs: You might lose the ability to compute the reaction forces since you eliminate their presence from the problem This goes back to trading the DAE for an ODE problem (there are no Lagrange multipliers associated with an ODE problem…) The expression that the ODE problem assumes is tremendously messy Ex: Slider-Crank 6
EOM for Slider Crank: The coefficients d 1, d 2, and d 3 above are defined as:
Nomenclature & Notation 8 OLDNEW
[The Important Point] Nomenclature & Notation Recall that we call the Cartesian GCs “q” and the new GCs “w” There is a relationship between the two of them Specifically, the Cartesian GCs are obtained based on the new GCs through a function : Cartesian GCs New GCs
[Example, Simple Pendulum] Computation of Scenario 1: 10 Observation 1: There are no constraints on w can assume any value Observation 2: For any , if I compute q= (w), it turns out that q satisfies the constraint equations What is the expression of the function (w)?
Scenario 2: 11 Observation: Note that there are constraints on x and y: What is the expression of the function (w)? (the x and y of the CM) [Example, Simple Pendulum] Computation of
Taxonomy Based on how we select the generalized coordinates w, we can be in one of TWO cases: 1) There are no constraints that the new GCs must satisfy These GCs are called Lagrangian GCs They are equal in number to the number of degrees of freedom See Scenario 1 on previous slide, the angle was not subject to any constraints 2) There are some constraints that the new GCs must satisfy See Scenario 2 on previous slide w must satisfy in this case some nonlinear algebraic equations 12
The Lagrangian GCs Case Go back to variational form of the equations of motion: 13 Here w can change in an arbitrary fashion, no constraints that need to be satisfied How is a virtual displacement in q related to a virtual displacement in w? NOTE: For any selection of w, the set of Cartesian GCs q is consistent, that is, it satisfies the original set of constraint equations
The case of Lagrangian Gen. Coordinates (Cntd.) Note that the acceleration in q and w are related: Simple manipulation lead to From here, since w is arbitrary (no constraints acting on w), 14
Example [AO] Simple Pendulum Simple Pendulum: Mass 20 kg Length L=2 m Force acting at tip of pendulum F = 30 sin(2 t) [N] ICs: hanging down, starting from rest FIND EQUATION OF MOTION IN TERMS OF NOTE: This is a Lagrangian generalized coordinates scenario 15
The case of non-Lagrangian and non-Cartesian Gen. Coordinates (this is pretty thick…) 16
The case of non-Lagrangian and non- Cartesian Gen. Coordinates Here w cannot change in an arbitrary fashion, it must satisfy constraints How is a virtual displacement in q related to a virtual displacement in w? It can be proved that if w represents a consistent virtual displacement, that is, … then by taking q = w w you got yourself a consistent virtual displacement q, that is, 17
The case of non-Lagrangian and non- Cartesian Gen. Coordinates Proof of previous result is skipped but it relies on the following observation: If w is a consistent configuration, that is … then q= (w) is also a consistent configuration, that is 18
Note: Here w must satisfy at all times Variational form of the equations of motion: The above holds only when w is consistent, that is Applying Lagrange’s theorem, one ends up with the following: 19 The case of non-Lagrangian and non- Cartesian Gen. Coordinates
What GCs do people use? ADAMS uses Cartesian GCs, as does the second most widely used commercial package out of US Most widely used commercial packages out of Asia, RecurDyn, uses non- Cartesian GCs For open tree topologies they use Lagrangian GCs Most widely used commercial packages out of Europe, SimPack, uses non- Cartesian GCs My take on this: I prefer Cartesian GCs EOMs are larger, but sparser EOMs are easy to formulate, I let the computer deal with their solution Where are non-Cartesian GCs widely used? In robotics When you have open tree topologies In these cases you can actually easily select a set of Lagrangian GCs and end up with an ODE problem for your EOM.