Prepare for President’s Film Write down 2 major events and three facts about each president Cleveland / Harrison / Cleveland
Age of Imperialism Late 1800’s Early 1900’s
Isolationism During 1800s US stayed away from affairs of foreign countries During 1800s US stayed away from affairs of foreign countries No alliances / non involvement of foreign affairs No alliances / non involvement of foreign affairs
Foreign Trade Late 1800s was a time of booming foreign trade Late 1800s was a time of booming foreign trade Trade with Europe, Asia, S. America and Africa Trade with Europe, Asia, S. America and Africa US constantly looking for new ports US constantly looking for new ports Best argument against isolationism Best argument against isolationism Capitalism = Imperialism Capitalism = Imperialism
The Cuban Revolution 1890s Cuba fought against Spain for Independence 1890s Cuba fought against Spain for Independence Cuba was trading partner Cuba was trading partner US gets involved with anti-Spain guerillas US gets involved with anti-Spain guerillas
Sinking of the Maine USS Maine blows up and sinks in Havana Harbor USS Maine blows up and sinks in Havana Harbor
War Fever Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism William Randolph Hearst William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Joseph Pulitzer McKinley reluctant for War McKinley reluctant for War War finally declared War finally declared
The Span – Am War Theaters of Operation Theaters of Operation Philippines Philippines Cuba Cuba Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Spanish quickly lose to the stronger American Military Spanish quickly lose to the stronger American Military 300 Dead from fighting 300 Dead from fighting 5000 dead from tropical diseases 5000 dead from tropical diseases
Teddy Roosevelt Led famous “Rough Riders” Led famous “Rough Riders” Cemented national Fame Cemented national Fame Would become President Would become President
America Becomes an Empire Treaty of Paris ratified 1899 Treaty of Paris ratified 1899
Map Activity