Daily Announcements Today is Tuesday, an “X” Day NOV 26 th, 2013 Daily Announcements Today is Tuesday, an “X” Day NOV 26 th, 2013
Yearbooks are on Sale Now! Go to the school fusion website for yearbook and purchase your book online through November for only $65. for only $65. Price goes up in December. Last day to order a yearbook is Dec. 31.
Do you collect things…. such as model airplanes, stamps, figurines, etc.,? If you want to be interviewed for the yearbook, come by the Smoke Signal Room, W206 and fill out the questionnaire on the door. Give it to Mrs. Gill in W206.
Yes, we are crying over spilt milk and juice. You MUST put empty milk and juice containers in the regular trash bins. JUICE & MILK containers may NOT be put in the recycle bin.
New or Gently Used Coats, Blankets, and Gloves Drive Any of these items that are new or gently used would be greatly appreciated for the Dominic Project. Please bring them to the box outside the front office from now until December 20 th. Jordin Haines & Isaac Garret are collecting for Learn & Serve collecting for Learn & Serve.
Wanna be a Veterinarian? Dr. Trout, a professional veterinarian will be at SHS on DEC 5 th at 8am to talk to you! Sign-up in the Counseling Office
Senior Ads in the yearbook are starting. Come by W206, Mrs. Gill's room or contact any yearbook member about purchasing an ad for the yearbook. Sales are limited so come by soon. Sales are limited so come by soon. You will need to bring in your photos scanned on a CD or flash drive at 300 dots per inch. You will need to bring in your photos scanned on a CD or flash drive at 300 dots per inch. The ads cost 1/4 page for$125, 1/2 page for $200, full page for $350. Reserve your senior ad today with Mrs. Gill
Underclassmen News
Attention Stafford High School.... Tribal Link is selling wristbands for $1.00! You can buy a wristband from any Tribal Link Leader or in Ms. Bliss' office before and after school. Don't delay, buy your $1.00 Tribal Link Wristband today!!!
Sports News
Attention to those interested in playing Boys Tennis. If you plan to try out for tennis team this year, Please see Mr. Miller in for more information.
Club News
FCCLA would like to thank everyone who participated in the Food Drive. Stafford High collected 281 items total. Mrs. Rossi's 1X class donated the most of 121 items. Mrs. Rossi's class will receive a free Chick-Fil-A meal! Thank you for your help and support.
TOYS for TOTS Donate new, unwrapped toys for Christmas presents to less fortunate children in the community… from now to DEC 17 th. Boxes are located in CGS; Mr. Middleton’s room, C104; the main office and the library. Toys for Tots accepts new, unwrapped toys ONLY Thank You in advance for making a child smile.
SHS National Honor Society The National Honor Society will be holding tutoring sessions after school in the library every Wednesday from 2:30 to 3:30pm.
Morning & Afternoon Announcements may be turned in to Mrs. Stone in the Video Room S109B or her! Have a great Day Indians! Have a great Day Indians! Be Safe!