Concepts of Print Parent Presentation Amber Rhyne
What is COP? The Concepts of Print, also known as COP, is a kindergarten assessment given to test the book knowledge of students. It is a reading assessment given MP1 and MP2 if needed. It predetermines whether or not a child is ready to learn to read independently.
Why COP? Beginning readers need to be able to understand how a book works and how we read books. When your child understands the concepts of book, their excitement for learning to read will increase as well.
How is COP given? Each K student is given an individual COP assessment. The COP assessment is a checklist that your child’s teacher will use that asks several questions and gives directions to the student to determine how much the student understands about books.
What will my child need to be able to do? Your child will need to be able to know: –The front of the book –The print on the page tells the story –Read from left to right –When you come to the end of a sentence, you start on the next line –You match words to what you read. (Pointing to the words you read) –Upper/lower case letters –Punctuation
Reading at Home Reading at home with your child is a great way to help them be a good reader. Studies show children that see people reading are quicker in learning to read themselves. Here are some tips for reading with your child, to help them understand the concepts of print…
Reading at Home Have your child hold the book as you read. This will get them used to the order of the book from start to finish. If they find a word they know or a letter they recognize, praise them for their discovery.
Make Reading Fun Encourage your child to point along with you as you read. Use a Popsicle stick or a pencil with a neat eraser on the end to make it fun. Play “detective”. Say a word and see if your child can find it on the page. I spy a “t”, can you find another?
Concepts of Print Teacher Presentation
Why Concepts of Print? Tests general knowledge that students have of reading a book and the connection between oral and written language. If a student has a solid understanding of how a book works, they are more likely to become a better reader and writer.
Concepts of Print in WCPS WCPS took this COP model from the Rigby series and soon will adopt the Fountas and Pinnell model. Regardless of the model, COP has always been a fundamental part of WC early language identification assessing. Included in the first two reading benchmarks in Kindergarten. –Word Wall Words –Word Wall Stories –Early Literacy Assessment
COP Examples Identifying the cover, title, and in which direction to read a book? Text is read from left to right. There are spaces between words. Letter/word/punctuation identification. Identifying similarities in words. Identifying upper and lower case
Research Base Understanding print is also understanding the connection between oral language and phonemic awareness. Research shows that early print awareness is an excellent predictor for first grade reading achievement. COP is a part of reading development for beginning readers or readers that have limited experience with written language.
Research Base Fundamental reading skills found in the COP support reading acquisition. When students have an understanding of basic concepts, they are able to move on to more complex concepts about text. Text concepts are then used as writing skills
Assessment Read-aloud Bigger Than? Smaller Than? with an individual student. Use the 20 question COP checklist and the pages of the book In MP1, a student must get a 60% in order to be proficient. In MP2, the proficiency is 80%. Data is recorded then on the student’s “Kindergarten Individual Reading Progress Form” This form will travel with the student throughout K and into 1 st grade.
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