District Assessment Coordinator Boot Camp Colorado Department of Education Office of Student Assessment July, 2012
DAC Boot Camp: Opening Notes The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) and the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) OSA communicates almost exclusively with DACs CDE respects local control Security –Non-secure: Accessible by anyone –Semi-secure: Accessible by DACs and designated personnel only –Secure: Accessible only specified users
DAC Boot Camp Overview Handouts Assessment at a Glance Scheduling Training Logistics Assessment Administration Accommodations Security Data Communication
Handouts Assessment Calendar Resource Guide Glossary of Acronyms
Assessment in Colorado at a Glance State Accountability Assessments - TCAP - CoAlt -Lectura and Escritura - CoACT - ACCESS for ELLs® Other Assessments - NAEP -Other school and district required assessments English Language Learner Assessments - W-APT™ - ACCESS for ELLs® -CELAplace (ends September 30th, 2012
Proposed Summative Assessment Timeline TCAP and CoAlt Continue as is Field test new social studies and computer based science items 2013 TCAP and CoAlt Reading, Writing, and Math will continue First year of new social studies and science assessments will be operational 2014 New Reading Writing, and Math assessments Second year of new social studies and science assessments will be operational 2015
Scheduling: Assessment Year at a Glance Planning DAC Training SAC (school assessment coordinators) Training Ordering of Materials Receipt and Organization of Materials Assessment Administration Collection and Return of Materials Data Review Score Release
Scheduling TCAP 3 rd Grade Reading Early Test Window CoACT Holidays
Scheduling TCAP State-Wide, 5-Week Testing Window District 3-Week Testing Window Note: All testing and test make-ups must be completed inside the district 3- week window
At each school site, each class in a grade level must test the same content area and test session at the same time!
Scheduling TCAP: District and School Considerations Academic Calendars –School Breaks –Non-Traditional School Calendars 4 day week Year round school Facilities Test Proctors Accommodations Make-ups
Training DACSAC Proctor/ Examiner
DAC Training Training DACs Receive DAC Boot Camp DAC Academy TCAP/Colorado Assessment Administration* CoAlt Administration* Assessment Logistics Accommodations Training W-APT™ ACCESS for ELLs® Training DACs Give SAC Training* –Administration of each assessment –District specific logistics and security –Accommodations In turn, SACs give appropriate Test Proctor/Examiner training* and accommodations training at their school site.
Scheduling Training: Don’t forget to include assessment training dates in your district schedule!
Logistics OSA SAC DAC Test Vendors SAC
Assessment Administration: The Basics The goal of test administration is to collect valid data about student performance. Per state law [ (1.2.a.1.d.I)], every Colorado student enrolled in a public school is required to take either the TCAP or CoAlt in the appropriate grade levels and content areas.
Test Parameters Fair –The benefits are directed at those who bear the burden of testing –Free of bias Valid –The test actually measures what we claim it measures Reliable –The test is repeatable and the results are comparable. “One student’s score means the same thing as the same score, achieved by another student Standardization –Conditions which are necessary to ensure fairness, validity and reliability
Administration, Misadministration, and Invalidation Facilities Proctor Administration Contingencies Pre-exposure –“Practice” items –Test sessions given out of order Unethical behavior
Accommodations Documented Education Plan Standard Accommodations –The Accommodations Manual Non-standard Accommodations Linguistic Accommodations –The Accommodations Guide –Relying on a body of evidence
Security Materials Security –Chain of custody –Access –Reproduction and more Test Data Security –Student identity –District security –Public and media embargoes
Data October Student Count N-Count Student Biographical Information Review (SBD) TCAP Test Score Releases –Grade 3 reading, early June –Other grades and content areas, mid-July –Media and public embargo release, early August
Communication DAC s –Respond to the contact listed in the , not the sender of the Web and Print Resources –The Procedures Manual –CTB Navigator™ Direct Communication –OSA –CTB Help Desk
Thank You!