Third Grade Reading Guarantee Update March 28 th, 2014 Kevin Draper Program Administrator: Center for Curriculum and Assessment
Target: Early Intervention/Support for “at risk” K-3 students
Third Grade Reading Guarantee Senate Bill 21
New and Modified Language in SB 21 Legislation Reading Competencies Teacher Qualifications Staffing Plans
Requirements September 30 th diagnostics Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plans Teacher Qualifications - 3 rd grade Teachers
Reading Competencies January 31, 2014
Programs and July 1, 2014 Credentials List Reading Endorsement July 1, 2016 P-3 and 4-9 LicenseJuly 1, 2017 Reading Competencies
Teacher Qualifications 3 rd Grade Teachers One Year of Teaching Experience
Teacher Qualifications - Reading Endorsement - Masters in Reading - Rigorous Test (Praxis 5203)
Teacher Qualifications - Most Effective Teacher Rating - Value-Added - Programs and Credentials (2016)
Retain Students That Do Not Meet the Required Cut Score Third Grade Only
Promotion/Retention Students can be promoted through: Fall and spring OAA OAA Alternative Summer OAA (Summer Promotion Policy) Mid-Year Promotion Policy Retention is based on a student’s inability to either meet the 392 OAA cut score or meet the requirement of the other outlined promotion opportunities Students will be reported as being either a 3 rd grade of 4 th grade student based on their reading proficiency
Promotion/Retention (cont’d) OAA Alternatives are now available Summer OAA July 7 th – 11 th Testing Window August 15 th – Scores reports provided to districts * Can also use OAA Alternative throughout summer Mid-Year Promotion Follow district policy
OAA Alternatives TerraNova IOWA NWEA – Map Two administrations during the year and one during the summer Updated FAQ now available on ODE website Linking studies are being completed for TerraNova and IOWA
Exemptions Students with significant cognitive disabilities (Alternate Assessment) ELLs with less than three years of ESL instruction and less than three years in US schools Some students with an IEP (see guidance) Previously retained with two years of intensive remediation
Data and Reporting EMIS Data Staffing Plan Reporting K-3 Literacy Progress Measure
Looking Forward OAA Alternative list now available Districts need to have their ‘Mid-Year Promotion Policy’ reviewed and approved by their local district school board and in place for potential students Summer Reading OAA (July 7 th -11 th ) Additional guidance concerning exemptions and acceleration policies regarding the TGRG will be forthcoming
ODE Current Resources RIMP Template Teacher Resources TGRG Guidance Manual
Research Ann Casey Foundation “Why Reading by the End of 3 rd Grade Matters” - Intervention as early as possible makes a difference Manhattan Institute Study “The Benefits of Florida’s Test-Based Promotion System” - Retained students performed better in later grades than those socially promoted
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