REGULATIONS STT KEY HIGHLIGHTS Water Sector Leadership Group 19 November
Strategic Highlights Water Services Regulation Strategy approved by top management Water Resources Regulation Strategy still to be finalised. 2 relevant studies to feed into this – environmental issues and raw water pricing. Key sectors, especially agriculture should participate Blue Drop report released 23 out of 420 water systems assessed. Green Drop report still with Minister. Facing some ugly truths – only 32 out of 449 Waste Water Treatment Works received Green Drop status
Strategic Highlights Heightened awareness and prioritisation of regulation:- In public & political domain ito governance and accountability In sector for improved performance For service delivery & local government arena Presidency & National Treasury discussing economic regulation – DWA participating ALL Provincial Water Indabas called for stronger regulation of water sector
Strategic Proposals (1) Support for Non-complying Municipalities Key issue arising is how to handle follow up and Support is critical. A decision and clarity on roles and responsibilities is required between the two ministries – COGTA and DWEA (both for interim and long term) If DWA provides support, evermore important that Regulation is ring-fenced within the department. Essential to staff up Regulations section to meet expectations and build expertise and regulatory capacity in DWA and WSAs.
Strategic Proposals (2) Regulation Advisory Committee to Minister (Section 76 of the WS Act, Act 108 of 1997 ) Proposal to formalise a (small) Regulation Advisory Committee to the Minister to:- Assist in the design of institutional form and handling of ‘hot potatoes’ – politically and socially sensitive matters and unpopular decisions Bring in greater degree of independence Provide expertise based on real experience Recommend stronger links with:- Water Tariff Committee Skills Development STT
Strategic Proposals (3) WSLG to reconsider its decision to combine Regulation & Institutional Reform Task teams WSLG to reconsider the advisability of ‘forced marriage’ between Institutional Reform and Regulations :- Dissipates focus Justice cannot be done to both Not necessarily the same people – therefore large and unwieldy & wasted time Jeopardises the effectiveness & impact of both