Utilizing Other Ministries
I.Outside ministries can be a positive influence to the early growth of the church. A.By providing a breath of fresh air. B.By providing a variety of expression. C.By exposing people to all ministries. D.By providing objective ministry input.
E. By confirming truths that are being taught by the local pastor. F. By broadening the vision of the local church. G. By providing assistance in times of crisis. H. By deepening the message of the church. I. By providing counsel and encouragement to the local pastor.
II. Outside ministries can also have a negative impact on the church. A.Sow seeds of contrary doctrine. B.Draw disciples unto themselves. C.Abuse their position for personal financial gain. D.Overstep the authority of the local leadership.
III.As with everything else we must strike a balance in the use of guest ministry. A.Know the ministries that you receive. B.Be sure all ministries are under some local church authority. C.Do not allow visiting ministries to take their own offerings.
D. Do not allow the visiting ministry to garner a mailing list from your church. E. Clearly communicate any parameters or guidelines within which you would like the visiting ministry to operate. F. Selectively feed these ministries to your people.
IV. Outside ministry should be seen as a support to local leadership not an authority over local leadership. V. Outside ministry should be treated with honor and respect.
Gaining Respect as a Pastor I.Every ministry, indeed, every person, desires the respect of others.
A.Respect Defined 1.A just regard for 2.An appreciation of worth 3.The act of holding in high esteem or regard 4.Respect is a careful evaluation or estimation of the worth of a person or thing and of the measure of recognition which is due him.
B. Synonyms 1.Regard 2.Admiration 3.Reverence 4.Appreciation 5.Cherish 6.Veneration 7.Esteem
C.Antonyms 1.Contempt 2.Disregard 3.Scorn 4.Despite 5.Repugnance
II.God’s people are commanded to show respect to others.
A.We are to have a respect for God. B.We are to have a respect for parents. C.We are to have a respect for spouses. D.We are to have a respect for civil authorities. E.We are to have a respect for employers or masters. F.We are to have a respect for church leaders.
III.Leaders have the power to make themselves an easy or a difficult object of respect. A.A Difficult Situation 1. David respected Saul.
a. Saul was a hard person to follow. b.Saul did things that made honoring his leadership difficult. He made rash statements. He made unreasonable demands. He was not able to admit wrong. He was program orientated rather than people orientated.
B.An Easy Situation 1.Joshua respected Moses. 2.Elisha respected Elijah.
IV.There are qualities that leaders can cultivate that make it easy for people to respect them. The following are eleven qualities leaders can cultivate to make it easy for people to give them the needed respect.
A. Example B.Submission C.Pure Motivation D.Wisdom E.Gifting F.Ability to Feed
G.Hearing from God H.Vision I.Experience J.Keeping Your Word K.Humility
1.The humble will hear from God. 2.The humble will have their prayers answered. 3.The meek will He guide in judgment. 4.They shall have an abundance of peace. 5.God has respect to the lowly. 6.With the lowly is wisdom.