European Ministries of ISKCON Your regional representatives of the Global Ministries Discussion Presentation to the ELM held at Villa Vrindavana September 2011
European area
What are they They are a more local representative of the Global Ministry They help with the work of the Global ministry They give the European leadership a local resource to help them They have focus and speciality in certain areas of the ISKCON Mision They advise the leaders on how to develop their specified areas
What do they do They know something more about their specified field They visit projects or/and countries Give inspiration share ideas from other projects Carry the message and standards of the Global Ministry Help the Global ministry with adherence to policies They have a European focus Maintain Srila Prabhupadas standards
What do they do Help to develop Europe in the specific area Try to formulate new policies to guide the society Meet with leaders of countries or projects to keep that area having attention Arrange European conferences, workshops
What are the qualifications of a minister
What are the qualifications of a Minister Enthusiastic about specific area Know more about his/her areas of interest Be able to travel Can work with others and bring teams together Have a vision for the future and know steps to get there Can work with the Global Minister and the European RGB Self funded/partially self funded
What do they cost Time of person Travel – To and from airport40 to 80 euro – Flight80 to 120 euro – Total cost per visit120 to 200 euro Administration – Phone – Computer Other – Stationary and publications
How are they funded Communications 1200 euro pa Cow Protection & Agriculture1200 euro pa Education 0 Congregational development 0 Varnasrama0 Others?
What do we have right now Education – Yadunandana Maharaja Congregational development – Kripamoya Prabhu Communications – Mahaprabhu Prabhu Varnasrama – Radhakrishna Prabhu Cow Protection and Agriculture – Syamasundara dasa
Which ones might we need Deity Worship Harinama Prasadam Distribution Financial Manuals and Records
Which ones might we need Book distribution Sanyasa Vanaprastha Grihastha Brahmacari Ladies
How to go about getting new ones European projects can propose candidates for Regional Ministerial responsibility Global Ministers (where applicable) will be contacted by RGB and asked their preferences Who will be Regional Minister will be decided between Global Minister and RGB
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