What is Math in Common?
Our Community 10 districts learning together to lead the way in CCSS-Mathematics Implementation 2
California Education Partners OUR MISSION: California Education Partners seeds and grows partnerships between California’s school systems, so that they innovate, improve, and build internal capacity as learning organizations in order to close gaps and lead high performing, equitable schools that serve all students well for the 21 st century. OUR VISION: School systems throughout California work together and learn from each other in innovative, transformative ways, so that all students succeed and are empowered as life-long learners who contribute in a global society.
What is Math in Common? A Community of Practice with 10 California school districts, serving nearly 400,000 students, working together toward: Providing professional development opportunities to support strong instructional practices Aligning instructional materials to the higher demands of CCSS-M Building leadership capacity throughout the participating districts Developing strong evaluation plans, including formative and summative measures. Add some vison, process, content symbols where we can in front of the bullets?
Ed Partners’ Approach District Teams create a vision for instruction and assessment District Teams set desired outcomes aligned to their vision and grounded in data District Teams identify and implement key actions connected to each desired outcome District teams create a monitoring approach, both formative and summative, to continuously understand if their efforts are making progress toward their desired outcomes Cycle of Inquiry Picture
Innovative Virtual Engagement Designing structures and spaces to sustain the learning over time… Pic of d&I leads call Blog written by participant Google doc w/mult people using it Good pic of engagement in Online comm space Picture of a virtual learning Series page that shows the vid And resources Other ideas??
Objectives Understand the purpose and approach of Ed Partners & Math in Common Leave this workshop with at least one actionable take-away that he/she can bring back to their school or district related to….. Each educator in the room today will…….
Opening Activity 1) 2) 3) *Person A will have 2 min., then person B will have 2 min. Still & Quiet Person APerson B
Case Study #1 District: Oceanside Nick will add demographic info Nick will add district logo Please place a headshot of yourself with your name, title and e mail address here.
Case Study #1: Set the stage: – What are the key actions you are working to implement in this particular area and why? District logo
Case Study #1 Continued What were your three greatest learnings? District logo
Case Study #1 Continued What changes did your team make from school year to this one based on your learnings? District logo
Case Study #1 Continued What big question is your team still grappling with in relation to this area? District logo
Case Study #2 District: Dinuba Nick will add demographic info Nick will add district logo Please place a headshot of yourself with your name, title and e mail address here.
Case Study #2: Set the stage: – What are the key actions you are working to implement in this particular area and why? District logo
Case Study #2 Continued What were your three greatest learnings? District logo
Case Study #2 Continued What changes did your team make from school year to this one based on your learnings? District logo
Case Study #2 Continued What big question is your team still grappling with in relation to this area? District logo
Case Study #3 District: Long Beach Nick will add demographic info Nick will add district logo Please place a headshot of yourself with your name, title and e mail address here.
Case Study #3: Set the stage: – What are the key actions you are working to implement in this particular area and why? District logo
Case Study #3 Continued What were your three greatest learnings? District logo
Case Study #3 Continued What changes did your team make from school year to this one based on your learnings? District logo
Case Study #3 Continued What big question is your team still grappling with in relation to this area? District logo
Exit Ticket 1) What was your greatest take-away from this session? *Consider something that is actionable as you return to your school site or district. 2) Do you have any lingering questions that are necessary to move that action forward? bit.ly/MiCCMCS or bit.ly/MiCCMCN Let’s stay connected: Check out our online community space! Bit.ly/MiCconferences QR Code