10 years Old, Fast Growing, Debt Free, Technology Driven Company based in Atlanta, GA Mission: Personal Financial Success Personal Financial Success is simply having enough cash flow to support your lifestyle during your working years as well as your retirement years Company and Mission
Personal Financial Success Income from your working years comes from your job or your business; Income from your retirement years comes from your assets and investments If you desire $50,000 annually during retirement…you will need at least $500,000 in your retirement fund That’s at least 10 times the amount of desired income Income producing asset ROI 8-10%
Four Major Obstacles Limited income and inflation Taxes High Debt Lack of financial strategies
Obstacle: Limited Income and Inflation Silent income killers Battle of the buck $15,000 in 1974 has the same buying power as $70,000 does today
Obstacle: High Taxes Americans spend much of their adult lives paying taxes in various forms. We should end this practice of paying a tax that is triggered on by debt. (Jennifer Dunn)
Obstacle: Debt & Lack of Financial Strategies Lack of financial strategies Are you in the Rat Race? Many People Lose Thousands of Dollars Annually Paying Interest on Debt
Our Solution Personal Financial Success System 3 Smart Cash Flow Strategies Minimize Taxes (Instant Pay Raise) Generate Business Income Asset Accumulation
Minimize Taxes Strategy 80% of all employees have too much money withheld from their paycheck Americans lose about 1/3 of their income to taxes. Solution:
Exemptions are claimed on your Form 1040 Tax Return. You are allowed one exemption for yourself, one for your spouse, and one for each qualifying dependent Allowances are claimed on your Form W4. The purpose of Form W-4 is to assist your employer with estimating the appropriate amount to withhold from your paycheck Exemptions vs Withholding Allowances
6 6 For Educational and Illustrative Purposes only
Pumping Up Your Take-Home Pay This table shows APPROXIMATELY, how much a family earning $70,000/year, filing MFJ, with 3 children claiming ZERO allowances on their Form W-4 will give to the GOVERNMENT…interest free For Educational and Illustrative Purposes only W4 with 0 allowances = $694/month =$8,328 Per Year
Example based on a married couple filing jointly with three children COUPLE # 1COUPLE # 2COUPLE # 3 Primary Job$70,000 Primary Job$70,000Primary Job$70,000 *1040 Deductions-$32,600Part-Time Job$12,000Part-Time Business$12,000 Total Income$82,000Total Income$82,000 *Total 1040 Deductions-$32,600*Total 1040 Deductions-$32,600 $49,400 Total Business Deductions-$25,000 TAXABLE INCOME$37,400TAXABLE INCOME$49,400TAXABLE INCOME$24,400 *Total 1040 Deductions include a Standard Deduction of $12,600 + $20,000 ($4,000 x 5 exemption) $32,600. These numbers change annually. ADDITIONAL DEDUCTIONS FROM HOME-BASED BUSINESS Car/Truck$5,475Wages$4,700Business Gifts$25 Communication$1,500Medical Reimbursement$750General Business Expenses$1,000 Meals$2,000Travel$2,050Auto Interest$500 Entertainment$1,500Depreciation$1,000Tax Deductible Investments$4,500 Business Tax Deduction Advantage W-2 Employees vs Home-Based Business Owners For Educational and Illustrative Purposes only
Annual Mortgage $1,775($21,300) – (Interest ($14,000) / Taxes ($2,500) = $16,500 Tithes = $2,000 Business Income $12,000 Charity = $499 - Business Expenses $25,000 = $18,999 = ($13,000)
Pumping Up Your Take-Home Pay This table shows APPROXIMATELY, how much a family earning $70,000/year, filing MFJ, with 3 children paychecks will INCREASE with each extra allowance they claim on their Form W4. For Educational and Illustrative Purposes only Old W4 (0 allowances ) = $694 New W4 (16 allowances) = $800 $50 x 16 allowance = $800/ Month Pay Increase of $9,600 Per Year
$500 per month x 12 = $6,000 Savings per year Instant Pay Raise From Employer
Minimize Taxes Strategy IRS urges employees to maximize their Take Home Pay and use it for Investment or Debt Elimination
Minimize Taxes Strategy
IRS requires business owners to maintain good records Work smarter NOT harder Our Online Record Keeping Software
Computer Tablet Smartphone Receipt Capture Enter Income and Expenses Build Wealth via Cash Flow Manager!
Business CashFlow Manager: John Sample
Debt Elimination
Business Income Strategy Our Business Income Strategy is essential because millions of people want more income and simply cannot get a significant pay raise on their job. myEcon provides all Associates with a World Class Business System, which includes…
Personalized Website
Start earning Income Online instantly? World Class Compensation Plan
Unlimited Income As an Marketing Director: Earn $25 each on the first 2 Marketing Director (MD) you personally enroll. Automatically promoted to Executive Vice President (EVP) As an Executive Vice President: Earn $50 each on each Marketing Director (MD) you personally enroll in your base shop and $25 to infinity for those you don’t
Earn an additional $1,000 bonus each time you enroll 7 new Marketing Directors enroll in your Base Shop (must meet $5.00 CV requirement) $50 $350 + $1,000 = $1,350 = $350 Unlimited Base Shop Bonus
Get Started Today
Passive Income Producing Assets (401K, stocks, bonds, annuities, real estate etc) Financial Stability Greater Lifestyle Choices Financial Freedom Retirement Freedom Cash-Asset-Cash Concept Asset Accumulation Strategy
What Makes Us Different? SALES VS STRATEGY
Training & Support: Offline Marketing
Conference Calls Training & Support: Offline Marketing Strategy Session DVD’s Webinars & Internet Marketing Systems
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