Category Overview January 2015 Tax Prep
Category Overview: Big Business Tax preparation is unusual in that even more so than almost any other industry, it provides a service which assists with a process that legally every adult American is required to do – submit an income tax return. Because of that, tax preparation is big business – 38,287 firms operated in the field last year, generating 7.7 billion in annual revenue. (Source: Total ad spending by tax preparation services (both consumer and business) amounted to $195.8 million in 2013, down 1.4% from 2012 spending of $198.6 million. Overall ad spending by accounting and auditing services (both consumer and business)totaled $17.0 million in 2013, an increase of 32.4% (Source: Kantar Media, 2014 )
Category Overview: Highly Seasonal One of the most notable aspects of the tax preparation industry is how seasonal it is – the industry only comes into being for essentially the four months before April 15, the day on which income tax returns are due for individuals. Upcoming tax-filing season will start on January 20, 2015; the Tuesday after the MLK Federal Holiday, the IRS will begin accepting and processing both electronically filed and paper tax returns. Based on the results of a 2014 survey of approximately 6,500 consumers, conducted by the National Retail Federation, when the respondents planned to file their taxes: By mid-February, 22.7% By the end of February, 36.7% March, 25.9% April, 14.7%.
2015 Consumer Challenge: IRS Budget Cuts 2015 Filing Season Predicted to be Miserable IRS is facing budgets cuts, while in the meantime, new laws keep being passed that the IRS has to implement (ex: Affordable Care Act and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) IRS Commissioner John Koskinsen warned that close to half the people trying to reach the IRS by phone might not get through during the 2015 tax filing season. “Phone service could plummet to 53%” with average hold time projected at 34 minutes. “The filing season is going to be the worst filing season since I’ve been the National Taxpayer Advocate {in 2001}; I’d love to be proved wrong, but I think it will rival the 1985 filing season when returns disappeared,” said Nina Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate (Source:, “IRS Commissioner Predicts Miserable 2015 Filing Season”, 11/04/2014), “IRS Commissioner Predicts Miserable 2015 Filing Season”, 11/04/2014)
2015 Consumer Challenge: Affordable Care Act This will be the first filing season with two major provisions from the Affordable Care Act- the premium tax credit and the individual shared responsibility payment- on Form Many consumers are not aware they have to apply to receive Exemptions, and many time consuming exemptions requiring mailing signed papers to the exchanges: these are processed manually which could take a couple weeks Uninsured people who cannot qualify for an exemption will be required to pay a penalty Reconciling: People who bought subsidized insurance on the exchanges received what is actually an advance on tax credits Source:, “Affordable Care Act’s Tax Effects Now Loom for Filers”, December 25,, “Affordable Care Act’s Tax Effects Now Loom for Filers”, December 25, 2014.
Trends Taxes continue to be more and more complicated, and consumers need to utilize professionals Tax Prep & Returns continue to go online, from e-file and returns direct deposited, to tax prep software, etc. o The IRS estimated that 45.2 million taxpayers filed their returns from a home computer in 2013, up 4.6% from the prior year (Source: Internal Revenue Services, 2014) According to a 2014 National Retail Federation survey of approximately 6,500 consumers, how the respondents planned to prepare their tax returns: o Prepare their returns themselves by hand, 11.9%; o Prepare their returns themselves using computer software, 38.4%; o Use an accountant, 22.6%; o Use a tax preparation service, 17.4%; o Have their spouse, friend or other family relative prepare them, 9.7%
Prospecting Search online/Yelp: Geographic Area + Tax Prep Tax Services Accountants Financial Planners
Case Study: Radio Works for Accounting Objective: Undisclosed software manufacturer needed a strong introduction for its small business accounting software to go against its number one competitor. Solution: Presenting sponsorship of small business advice radio programs featuring profiles of local business leaders in the fastest small business growth markets. Software was given away daily to small businesses of the day. Results: Sales in supported markets outperformed other markets by 42% Source: RAB
Why Radio? Radio has established itself as an excellent vehicle for advertisers to deliver their messages to an increasing number of potential buyers. Each week, radio reaches 91.5% of persons ages 12+, and 67.1% of these consumers on a daily basis. In all, 244,000,000 Americans ages 12- and-older listen to radio every week. (Source: Nielsen Audio, 2014 ) Radio's weekly reach includes 84.1% of adults 18+ who utilized any on-site tax preparation service, CPA or other tax professional in the previous year, along with 84.4% of consumers who have used a financial planner or advisor. (Source: GfK MRI, 2014 )
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Radio reaches 92% of all U.S. consumers every week… Listeners continue to turn to Radio for news, information and entertainment, despite an ever-increasing selection of media options. 241,463,000 Weekly Reach Source: December RADAR® 115 National Radio Listening Report (Persons 12+ Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume)
Source: Scarborough USA Release 2 (12 months only) 88 % 87 % Adults 18+ who used an accountant in the past year Adults 18+ who used a financial planner in the past year Adults 18+ who used an internet/online tax preparation program or service Radio is Relevant
Source: Gfk MRI, - Mediamark Research, Inc Doublebase Radio is Relevant Adults 18+ who used a tax preparation professional or service or a CPA or other Financial Professional in the past year: Almost 60% listen to Traffic Reports Are active listeners to Sports Play-by-Play Almost 18% of those who used a tax preparation professional or service Over 22% of those who used a CPA or other financial professional
Radio is Relevant Adults 18+ who used a tax preparation professional or service or a CPA or other Financial Professional in the past year: Daypart listening trends: 52-55% listen to the Radio during morning drive, weekdays 6A-10A 37-39% listen during the day 10A-3P weekdays Almost 50% tune-in during the afternoon commute, weekdays 3P-7P An average of 15% are listening 7P-Midnight % listen during the day on the weekends. Source: Gfk MRI, - Mediamark Research, Inc Doublebase