F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Participation of NIPNE-Bucharest in SPIRAL2 Project
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb I. A system for Beam Losses Measurements (BLM) based on neutron and gamma detection II. Estimation of secondary beams intensities obtained using fusion-evaporation reactions induced by high intensity heavy-ion primary beams III. Development of 1+ ion-source IV. Secondary beam lines V. Physics and instrumentation for physics
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb I. A system for Beam Losses Measurements (BLM) based on neutron and gamma detection Why? ➢ to avoid quenching of superconducting cavities ➢ to maintain prompt radiation level bellow given limits ➢ to diminish activation and protect accelerator components ➢ to help tunning/optimizing the beam It must provide: - the intensities of beam losses - the positions where the losses occur - a fast signal if the limit(s) is(are) overpassed The limits are: - at ion-source, LEBT, RFQ, MEBT: several % - 1 W /m (or per cavity) along LINAC - at HEBT: ?
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Ion source: d+d reaction (reaction on deuterons previously implanted) (+LEBT) produces ~2MeV neutrons E d < ~5 MeV: d+d reactions rather improbable (RFQ, MEBT, reactions on Cu, Nb, Fe below threshold first cavities) (low Z elements, e.g. Li ?) Higher energies: Double differential neutron yield on C, Cu and Pb at 33 MeV deuteron incident energy from PRC29(1984)1307 Total neutron yield on Be and Cu [NIM 96(1971)581] Gamma and neutron generation by beam losses
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Counting Rates Simulation are based on: - exp. data d (33 MeV) on Cu; - dimension of detector 1x1x1 cm3 - threshold on generated light in det.: 100 eeKeV
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Absorbed Doses
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Up-down ratio of counting rates transversal information on beam losses
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Efficiencies and background
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Efficiencies and radiation hardness
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb X-ray background 20 µSv/h 140 µSv/h 50 µSv/h 1760 µSv/h 780 µSv/h
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb BLM - options 1. Ion-source: neutrons for d+d reactions measured by 3He-counters 2. HEBT: if higher losses are allowed, then gas detectors 3. Linac: a) a chain of plastic scintillators placed one each meter (sc-cavity), parallel with Linac at about 1.5 m from beam line can give: - resolution in position of loss at level of 0.5 m - counting rates of 5x10 3 at 33 MeV, 1 W (for 10 3 cm 3 detection volume) - direct relation to extract intensity of losses b) A chain at 0.3 m from beam line, one detector near each sc-cavity and each diagnostic box: - counting rates 25 larger - better resolution in position - intensity of loss is deduced from counting rates of several (3) detectors Main problems are at the level RFQ and first cavities of LINAC
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Important question for establishing the size detectors (counting rates): How much fast the response have to be ? If counting rates is 10 4 /s for 1 W 10 counts / millisecond => o standard deviation = 3 counts / ms So, if we have to put the threshold at 6 standard deviations (30 counts/ms) then response time is ~millisecond for losses > 3 W For a loss of ~ 1.6 W response time is ~ 10 ms. For a loss of ~ 1.06 W response time is ~ 1000 ms
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb γ
II. Estimation of secondary beams intensities obtained using fusion-evaporation reactions Existent codes: 1. Fusion-evaporation codes using Monte Carlo method (PACE, LILITA): - can give cross sections and energy-angle distributions - time consuming (especially for exotic nuclei) 2. Fusion-evaporation codes using calculation of population of spin-excit.energy matrix - can give cross section but not distributions 3. Monte Carlo made by L.Penescu to determine in target production at efficiency of stopper Sortie faisceau radioactif Stoppeur résidu I s = N cible I Intensity of secondary beam:
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Proposal: To link the codes such as from a minimal input: - projectile: A, Z (and incident position distribution) - target: A, Z, density (and melting point) - residual nucleus of interest: A, Z - entrance window, stopper: A, Z, density to get: i) excitation function and therefrom the incident energy, target thickness (and maxim current) then input the geometry, call fus.-evap. MC-codes, pass distributions to MC-codes of L.Penescu and get: ii) percentage of nuclei stopped in target, window and stopper
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb III. Development of 1+ ion-source Part of the IRENA ion- source under development at IPN-Orsay NIPNE-Bucharest contribution within T4 /EURISOL: ● design and realize two new version: i) with a thiner cathode and ii) with an oxidate cathode and other improuvement to reduce the displacement due to dilation ● participation in tests at IPN-Orsay
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb Proposal: * participation in design, construction and tests of the the version of IRENA ion-source adapted for SPIRAL2 * possible participation in development in ECR 1+ ion-source for secondary beams
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb IV. Secondary beam lines Ing. Gheorghe Mateescu presents the experience of NIPNE with Romanian fabricants of equipments for beam lines (mechanical components, electromagnetic elements, etc.) A list of fabricant and components produced in Romania can be provided to SPIRAL2 management to be considered when the invitations to tender will be launched.
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb I. A system for Beam Losses Measurements (BLM) based on neutron and gamma detection II. Estimation of secondary beams intensities obtained using fusion-evaporation reactions induced by high intensity heavy-ion primary beams III. Development of 1+ ion-source IV. Secondary beam lines V. Physics and instrumentation for physics
F. Negoita, Bucuresti, 28 Feb gamma-CE spectroscopy in beam (AGATA), in beta-decay, isomers reaction studies: break-up neutron detection: beta-delay neutron spectroscopy, reaction studies V. Physics and instrumentation for physics Nuclear Structure Nuclear astrophysics Nuclear interaction and hadronic matter INDRA, FAZIA Nuclear Data ?