9/14 Day 5- Grab the Strength and Interest Survey #5. Put Syllabus and Supplies on table. Learning Target: I can complete a self assessment and articulate my “Smarts”.
Follow directions to complete the Interest Survey. Then take out #1 and on the back complete the score sheet. Calculate, with use of phone if needed. Identify your top three “SMARTS” Let’s discuss what it means.
HOW Targets On the line after “I” PRINT your NAME. On the line that says NAME print one person you would like to be grouped with. Circle how you like to learn most of the time. Read over each category and circle all that apply or that you plan to work on this quarter. Give yourself a grade you plan to get this quarter.
9/15 Day 6- Grab a folder. Sign up for text 1 Learning Target: I can assess my knowledge of prior US History facts.
ON THE FRONT Write your name in the center, first name and Last initial- LARGE Draw a pictures of your top three smarts in the corners. 1. Give us one goal for the year. 2. Where you see yourself in five years- your job, home and or kids, married? 3. One thing you do in your spare time (Keep it school appropriate) ON THE BACK