TSW summarize school rules and community laws about tobacco, alcohol and other drug use TSW analyze the relationship between using alcohol or other drugs and other health risks TSW analyze how school rules and community laws influence behaviors around alcohol and other drug use
Assault Battery Expulsion Suspension Violation
Transition Imagine you have a friend who gets in trouble because of drinking or using drugs. In your student journal, write a description or a poem or draw a picture or cartoon of how you’ll feel when you hear the news. Motivate Why are laws and rules created? What do school rules, community regulations and state laws all have in common? What are some examples of rules or laws that help keep people safe?
Explain Today you’re going to be thinking about how laws and rules about tobacco, alcohol and other drugs use could affect you and influence your choices. We’ll start by reviewing a sample policy on drugs and violence for a fictional high school. Turn to page 27 in your blue workbook
Review What were the important points covered in the policies? It’s illegal to possess or use tobacco, alcohol or other illegal drugs on school grounds The school must be notified if a student is taking a prescription drug Students found using or in possession of drugs will be subject to disciplinary action If state law is violated, the police will be called and the student arrested It’s illegal to sell or distribute tobacco, alcohol or other drugs on school grounds Penalties for possession and/or sale of drugs may include suspension, expulsion, jail time and fines Assault and battery are violations of school policy and state laws Penalties for assault and battery may include suspension, expulsion, jail time and fines
Read Turn to page 28 in your blue workbook Now you’ll read a case study of a situation that could have occurred on a school campus. As you read the story, look for all the ways the sample policy was violated.
Ask and Discuss In what ways did Nate violate school policy? In what ways did Nate break the state law? Summarize Violation – against possession, use of drugs, assault Broke the law – drank alcohol, assaulting another student, open bottle of alcohol in car Survey Do you think the consequences for Nate’s actions were fair? Why or why not?
Explain Whether or not you think the consequences were fair, the school and the court followed the established policies and the law Ask and Discuss Do you think Nate would have become violent if he hadn’t been drinking? What’s the relationship between drinking and using other drugs and other risky behaviors, such as violence?
Summarize Drinking and other drugs – increases chance of risky behaviors (impair judgment, lower inhibitions, injury, violence, sexual risks)
Teaching Steps Review How would the outcome of Nate’s story have been the same or different based on our school policies? Alcohol/Drugs (Board Policy FNCF-LEGAL) with citation Selling, giving or delivering to another person an alcoholic beverage, marijuana, a controlled substance or any amount not constituting a felony. - Possession or using any substance represented to be an illegal drug, a dangerous drug, a controlled substance or alcohol. -Selling look-alike drugs or items attempted to be passed off as drugs and contraband. - Selling seeds, pieces of marijuana or paraphernalia related to any prohibited substances. - Behaving in a manner that contains the elements of the offense relating to volatile chemicals. (e.g., sniffing carburetor fluid, aerosols, glue, paint thinner, etc.) - Distributing, accepting and/or abusing over-the-counter medications. - Possession, use or delivery of synthetic compounds or substances known as K2, spice, and bath salts.
Review How would the outcome of Nate’s story have been the same or different based on our state or local laws? Review Language used and some specifics may vary – all must be in agreement with federal laws Alcohol – 21 age limit Tobacco – 18 age limit Possession of illegal drugs
Ask and Discuss Why do you think there are federal, state and local laws related to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs? Summarize Laws are made to protect people from harm Drug laws and age restrictions are intended to protect young people from the negative effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco
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