State and Local Laws
Federal Reminders Blue Discharges from Military Army Reg: Executive Order 10450: “Sexual Perversion” Classified a psychological disorder until 1972 by American Psychiatric Association. Psychiatrists could be used in cases to suggest homosexuals were not fit to teach, have child custody and so on.
California-The homosexual Dachau a California mental institute (Atascadero State Hospital) practiced forced lobotomies, castrations and other treatments if convicted of consensual sodomy (14) New York-Any person wearing fewer than three items of clothing “appropriate” to their gender. (14) Riis Park 1962-Blue law in N.Y. outlaws a man from wearing a bathing suit that did not cover his navel. Riis Park was a known gay beach location (33)
1960s-NYPD State Liquor Authority closes gay bars leading to a loss of liquor licenses. Thus small regulation act as a deterrent against serving gay patrons (47-48) Chicago-Illinois becomes the first state in the U.S. to decriminalize homosexual acts between consenting adults in private New York Alcoholic Beverage Control-No law prohibiting bars from serving homosexuals but Section 106 (6) of ABC law prohibits a premise from becoming disorderly (47-48) Dick Leitsch President of the N.Y. Mattachine Society conducts sip-ins modeled after sit-ins (47- 48)
The Mafia and Stonewall The mafia and NYPD both profit $$$$$$$$$
1960s-kissing or dancing with a member of the same sex and cross-dressing were considered disorderly Stonewall-Was owned by the mafia. Thus raids were known in advance. Customers could dress how they wanted and dance with members of the same sex free from fear of arrest and/or harassment
June 28, 1969