Spreading the Word Matthew 6 So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. (Nehemiah 8:8)
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Righteous Standard (5:17-20) b) Righteous Don’ts (5:21-42) c) Righteous Do’s (5:43-6:21) - Loving unselfishly (5:43-48) - Giving, Serving Rightly (6:1- 4) - Praying Rightly (6:5-15)
Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your name Your kingdom come Your will be done… Give us…daily bread And forgive us our debts As we forgive our debtors Lead us not into temptation Deliver us from the evil one For Yours is kingdom & power & glory forever Amen
Our Father in heaven Hallowed be Your name Your kingdom come Your will be done… Give us…daily bread And forgive us our debts As we forgive our debtors Lead us not into temptation Deliver us from the evil one For Yours is kingdom & power & glory forever Amen In this manner, therefore, pray: (Mt 6:9-13) ………….Relationship ……….Worship ………….Heaven.………….Surrender …..……..Dependence …….Forgiveness..….Mercy ….Protect- self ….Protect- satan ….Closing…
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Righteous Standard (5:17-20) b) Righteous Don’ts (5:21-42) c) Righteous Do’s (5:43-6:21) - Loving unselfishly (5:43-48) - Giving, Serving Rightly (6:1- 4) - Praying Rightly (6:5-15) - Fasting Rightly (6:16-18)
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Righteous Standard (5:17-20) b) Righteous Don’ts (5:21-42) c) Righteous Do’s (5:43-6:21) in the secret (place) Father who sees in the secret reward openly
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Righteous Standard (5:17-20) b) Righteous Don’ts (5:21-42) c) Righteous Do’s (5:43-6:21) in the secret (place) Father who sees in the secret reward openly
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Righteous Standard (5:17-20) b) Righteous Don’ts (5:21-42) c) Righteous Do’s (5:43-6:21)
Sermon on the Mount I. Heart Work: Beatitudes (5:1- 16) II. Righteousness (5:17-6:18) a) Kingdom Treasures (6:19-21) III. Kingdom Living (6:19-34) b) Kingdom Passion (6:22-23) c) Kingdom Serving (6:24) d) Kingdom w/o Worry (6:25-34)