Politics and Private Interests Accountability Instruments Johannesburg, April 3, 2007
Accountability instruments Transparent access to public funds and active control institutions Freedom of information Public disclosure
Transparent access to public funds Public procurement procedures: Inclusive eligibility criteria Clear and transparent selection criteria Predictable process State subsidies Exemptions / delays from tax payments Public-private partnerships
Freedom of information Rule: Free access to information Exemptions: limited and clearly defined Clear deadlines and strict procedures for providing public information Access to justice in case of refusal
Public disclosure Financing of political parties and electoral campaigns Declarations of wealth and interests for public sector employees Budgets, investment plans and expenditure reports
Financing of political parties and electoral campaigns Publication of all sources of funding Clear rules on membership fees and donations Clear rules on access to state subsidies Effective controls Deterrent and proportional sanctions for non-compliance
Declarations of wealth and interests Publicly accessible declarations Including assets and interests of family members Comprehensive instruments Sanctions for non-submission of the declarations
Budgets, investment plans and expenditure reports Publication and public debate on draft budgets and investment plans Adoption of budgets and investment plans through transparent procedure Publication of comprehensive expenditure reports
Prerequisites for accountability Awareness campaigns Active civil society and media Independent and efficient judiciary