Making the Digital Business Case to Senior Management Paul Boag With introduction by Gerry McGovern customercarewords.comJanuary 29, 2015
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3 Customer / employee centric 1.How do we convince leaders that when we give the customer or employee what they want, we can also influence or change culture? 2.Upper management making decisions for the website from a company-centric point of view, rather than a user-centric perspective. Marketing overload on the site as a result. 3.It looks like the people at the top are focused on what will serve their personal agendas. 4.Senior management prefer the marketing-related images, and huge amounts of content. 3
4 © Customer Carewords Ltd. Resources 1.Convincing senior management to buy into the Web and give it the resources it deserves. 2.Finding a way to explain to senior manager that the time being spent is well spent even though it is a very long time 3.They 'get it', and know we need to be more digital focused and expect a lot but with limited resourcing. It is a challenge to educate them and convince them of the resources required to actually do digital properly. 3
5 © Customer Carewords Ltd. Change 1.The reinforcement of new behaviors, is usually not supported at the executive level 2.Outdated strategies from managers and higher- ups who think they can just continue on as they have for the past decade. 3.While senior management voice support for the concepts and initiatives, the message does not travel down through the organization and so the personnel in the silos don't believe that the changes apply to them. 3
6 © Customer Carewords Ltd. Management 1.Getting senior management to manage digital on a day to day basis as opposed to a once every 2 years with a massive relaunch 2.Poor understanding at senior management level of how to maximize ROI when it come to the digital presence. 3
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