“What do Executives Want, Need and Look for in Professional Safety Support?” Thomas Butts, P.E. Vice President Operations
2 Presentation Title Safety Moment How prepared are you / love ones who drive to deal with being visible if they have to evacuate the vehicle on a busy highway / road? = =
3 Presentation Title 1) Ability to Communicate At all levels Don’t assume executives understand safety Understand how to connect safety with the bottom line Manage expectations Share the message throughout the organization Be the eyes and ears of senior management
4 Presentation Title 2) Positive Attitude Avoid negativity and over reactive behavior even during adversity Think positive and smile when attacking challenges Maintain a “this too shall pass” mentality Best learning comes from difficult challenges Laugh often and interject appropriate humor
5 Presentation Title 3) Stay close to the Action Understand the details Stay informed Build relationships with those closest to the sharp end of the stick Analyze the data and look for trends Avoid managing by
6 Presentation Title 4) Candor Promote an environment of complete safety candor Able to have the difficult conversations with executives Never soft-shoe around difficult issues Point out those who refuse to comply Understand the rules and hold people accountable
7 Presentation Title 5) Tenacity Never give up mentality Understand and accept that repetition is good Adapt, persevere and overcome Be flexible, and do what it takes
8 Presentation Title 6) Passionate and Humility Put your heart into your work Understand that once relationships are destroyed, they are difficult to rebuild Be able to provide and accept constructive feedback Ability to consider the “perspective” of others
9 Presentation Title 7) Courageous Have the guts to stop the work Ability to confront a senior manager who does not get it A willingness to elevate issues to the next level of management to achieve the desired result Don’t be afraid to ask for help It is More Challenging for Work Family Members to Influence of Whom They Do Not Have Authority “Stop Work Authority”
10 Presentation Title 8) Champion Celebrate the small and large successes Recognize those who contribute Be a relentless safety promoter, a little evangelical
11 Presentation Title 9) Visionary Keep things in perspective Have a clear vision and be able to articulate it Understand instant results do not equal systemic improvements
12 Presentation Title 10) Strong work / personal life balance Take time for yourself Practice a healthy lifestyle Spend time with those you care for the most Practice what you preach
13 Presentation Title