An extract from a presentation By 3Di Associates Participation
What do we mean by pupil involvement? Consulting pupils in their learning, e.g. Needs assessment Pupil mentoring Student leaders Pupil representation Playground leaders School Council Class Councils Developing intentions for behaviour and wellbeing Pupil mediation
Hearing it from the children A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer. “Nobody knows what I need except me!” “Adults should have to listen to what children think and then, when making decisions, remember what they young person said. But that’s not enough; the person who is receiving help should have a say in the help they get”. “We also need to speak more about the curriculum. We need more support throughout every subject to determine what we do and how we do it.” - Enquire: Scotland
An example of participation A six week programme on sex education devised by the teaching staff Evaluations of content and learning after every lesson Six pupils, teacher, teaching assistant and senior manager review the programme at the end Revisions made to the programme by the pupils Programme delivered to next cohort of children with initial student evaluators guiding the subsequent evaluation process New evaluators recruited