Unicity India – Team Unilife
Unicity India
Unicity India Qualification Period 2012 October November December 2013 January February
Unicity India New Distributors 20,000 OV in 5 Months Up to Sr.Manager 20,000 OV in 5 Months Director 25,000 OV in 5 Months Senior Director 40,000 OV in 5 Months Exec. Director 100,000 OV in 5 Months PCM 150,000 OV in 5 Months Additional 50% of IV to get One more Ticket Requirement Table
Rules 1.60/40 % Rule- Maximum of 60% of OV will be taken from your largest leg towards qualification ( cumulative) 2.To get two tickets just do 50% more OV or become a club member. 3.Sponsor or enroll 6 new distributor with the minimum of 100 PV start up order during the qualification period. Unicity India
See You all in Phuket!