Chemistry Jeopardy Chapter 2 Review 2-1 Forms of Energy 2-1 Energy Measures 2-2 Temp 2- 4 Mix it up D.A
Chapter The capacity to do work requires? –energy
Chapter Energy from the sun is called? –Radiant energy
Chapter Energy possessed by objects because of their position is called? –Potential energy
Chapter Energy of motion is called? –Kinetic Energy
Chapter Temperature is a measure of? –Kinetic Energy
Chapter What is the SI unit scale used to measure temperature? –Kelvin (K)
Chapter What does absolute zero mean as far as particle movement? –Movement has ceased (stopped)
Chapter What is absolute zero in Kelvin and Celsius? –0 K –-273 o C
Chapter The calorie is defined as –The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 o C
Chapter State the Law of Conservation of Matter. How does this law apply to energy? What is the exception to the rule? –Matter is neither created nor destroyed –Energy is neither created or destroyed, it is simply converted to another form of energy –In nuclear reactions matter is lost. This concept is called Mass Defect.
Chapter What is the formula for converting o C to Kelvin? –K = o C + 273
Chapter What is the formula for converting K to o C ? – o C = K - 273
Chapter Convert -73 o C to Kelvin –K = = 200K
Chapter Convert 56K to o C? – o C = 56 – 273 = -217 o C
Chapter At what temperature does water boil at in o C and K? –100 o C –373 K
Chapter Elements are defined as? Give an example. –A pure substance –Any symbol on the Periodic Table
Chapter Compounds are described as? Give an example –Pure substance. –H 2 O – all the molecules in the container must be exactly the same
Chapter What is the definition of a mixture? –Blend of two or more pure substances
Chapter Compare and contrast homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures –Compare –Both are a blend of two or more pure substances –Contrasts –Homo – can not see the different substances –Hetero – can see the different substances
Chapter Name the substance type. (Element, Compound, Homo or Hetero mixtures) H 2 O, chocolate chip cookies, salt water, salt & pepper, air, oxygen, granite –Compound, heterogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture, heterogeneous mixture, homogeneous mixture, element, heterogeneous mixture,
DA Convert J to calories? –5.438J x (1cal) = cal (4.184 J)
DA Convert 5, 200 cal to Cal –5,200 cal x (1 Cal) = 5.2 Cal (1000 cal)
DA Convert 460 Cal to J? –460 Cal x (1000 cal) x (4.184 J) =1,900,000 J or 1.9 x 10 6 J (1 Cal) x (1 cal)
DA Convert 2.45 J to Cal –2.45 J x ( 1 cal) x (1 Cal) = 5.86 x Cal (4.184J) x (1000 cal)
DA Ms B burns 3.5 Cal per minute during her morning walk. Ms. B walks for 1 and 22 minutes, how many Calories did she burn? How many slices of bread would Ms B have to eat to supply that amount of energy (1slice =460, 240 J) –82 min x (3.5 Cal) = 290 Cal ( 1 min) – 290 Cal x (1000 cal) x (4.184 J) x (1 slice) =0.63 slice ( 1 Cal) x ( 1 cal) x (460,240 J)
Final Jeopardy Why is Kelvin the SI unit for Temperature? –Temperature is a measure of Kinetic Energy. 0 K represents zero particle movement.