Warren G. Harding NOT SO GOOD
Promises made by Harding Harding promised a “Return to Normalcy” – after WWI, Americans wanted to go back to isolation and traditional values. They didn’t want to be involved with world affairs because of the nastiness of WWI
Harding Wins by promising a RETURN TO NORMALCY Harding won by the 2 nd biggest landslide (huge election victory) in history
Veteran’s Bureau Why was the Veteran’s Bureau necessary – After WWI, veterans returned home with a bunch of problems resulting from fighting in the trenches. Here’s a list 1.Tuberculosis – due to mustard gas 2.PTSD- due to the death, shell shock, and trench conditions
Albert B. Fall(ing down) – Teapot Dome Tea Pot Dome Scandal! 1.Albert B. Fall was the Secretary of the Interior 2.He gave oil rich land to private companies. 3.Those companies then gave him $ for letting them use the land.
Germany – they couldn’t pay their war debt from WWI.
Scandals The Ohio Gang – poker friends of Harding who took advantage of Harding’s lack of understanding of politics He gave his “friends” jobs, and they used him. Forbes, Coatesville Vet Hospital Teapot Dome! – Albert B. Fall – 1 st cabinet member convicted of a felony as Secretary of Interior. “I have no trouble w/ my enemies, but my friends, they’re the ones that keep me walking the floors at night.” The Teapot Dome scandal happened in the summer of 1923, Harding died of a heart attack or stroke by August of that same year. Albert B. Fall stole the oil from the gov’t, sold it, and put the money in his pocket. Coolidge became the man of the hour, and he came through Republican