Texas Commission on Environmental Quality “Texas Shingle Recycling Programs: A Technical Webinar” January 13, 2011
General Comments Guidance Available Contact Information Conclusion Questions?
Air Permitting Guidance Small Business Support ◦Air ◦Water ◦Waste
TCEQ RAS/RAP Memo ◦February 12, 2009 ◦Authorizes use in Hot Mix Asphalt Plants ◦Provides contact information Waste Permits Division Water Quality Division
Disallows Shingles with Asbestos ◦EPA –New Source Performance Standard ◦Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) Asbestos Program Asbestos Training/Licensing
What Shingles Are Approved? ◦Manufactured Scrap ◦Residential Tear-offs What Shingles Are Not Approved? ◦Non-residential roof tear-offs
Current Hot Mix Asphalt Permit ◦ Authorization If, Recycled Asphalt Products (RAP), then RAS approved Limited to 15% RAS; and 1.5% deleterious materials ◦ If RAP not authorized Permit amendment required
Sizing RAS (grinding, shredding) ◦Requires separate authorization ◦Permit By Rule (PBR) 30 TAC ◦Chain of custody on the shingles
Residential Roof Tear-Offs ◦Supplier of shingles Certify from residential buildings Do not contain asbestos Have not been in contact with hazardous waste
Sizing of Shingles ◦Trained to identify asbestos ◦Reject suspect loads ◦Remove wood, paper, metal, plastics, etc. prior to grinding ◦Ensure deleterious materials <1.5% ◦Maintain custody document records
Mission Statement ◦Provides compliance assistance on air, water, and waste regulations ◦Works with industries and manufacturers to implement: pollution prevention recycling, and innovative environmental programs
E-recycling/Recycling Compliance Checklist ◦Provides compliance and authorization guidance ◦Includes air, waste, and water TCEQ 16 Regional Offices ◦Each has SBLGA representation ◦Regional office assistance
Air Permits Memo ◦ /memos/ras_memo2_09.pdf ◦Mike Gould (512) /Dustin Jennings (512) Permit by Rule (sizing) – ◦ /subchapter-k/emission_limitations.html ◦Molly Wentworth (512) or Howard Uhal (512)
Small Business and Local Government Assistance (SBLGA) ◦ ◦Austin office main line: (800) Texas Department of State Health Services ◦ ◦Asbestos Program (800) ext 2454
Air Permits Division February 9, 2009 Memo Authorizes RAS ◦Manufactured scrap ◦Residential tear-offs ◦No asbestos – chain of custody on scrap SBLGA prepared to provide guidance ◦Guidance available ◦Comprehensive checklist available Sizing (grinders, shredders)