Summary of the WA104, T600 overhauling programme C. Montanari – INFN-PV, Italy M. Nessi – CERN, Switzerland weekly meeting, December 18, 20141
The WA104 Programme l The goal of the WA104 programme is the upgrading of ICARUS T600, carrying out the related R&D, in view of the further operation on a short baseline neutrino facility elsewhere at a shallow depth and a short distance from the neutrino beam. (extract from the CERN – INFN MoU) l The ICARUS T600 upgrades (or overhauling) will include: l Construction of two new aluminum cold vessels and a new thermal insulation; l Replacement of the TPCs cathodes and other minor changes in the internal detector mechanics; l Realization of an improved light collection system; l Replacement of the internal cabling of the 4 TPCs with modification of the wires HV supply; l Maintenance and upgrade of the cryogenics and purification systems and of the related control process system; l Setup and contribution for the logistics at the experimental area. l These activities are formally regulated by a Memorandum of Understanding between CERN and INFN which has recently been agreed and signed. l Other activities are also foreseen, such as the complete replacement of the readout electronics and the realization of an anti-coincidence for cosmic rays, although not yet included in the MoU. l Finally, the realization of an automatic reconstruction software is essential. Slide: 2 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
The WA104 Technical Working Group l The two T600 modules are now at CERN as well as most of the cryogenic equipment. l All of the foreseen activities have to proceed timely, efficiently and with extreme attention to the required performance, exactly as we did until now even in the absence of a formal MoU. l According to the MoU, the T600 overhauling has to be completed by the end of l Aim of these weekly meetings is to pull together all the people involved in the execution of the technical programme in order to ensure a seamless integration of all activities and prompt reactions to problems, delays, etc. l This is more than necessary, considered the very tight time schedule. Slide: 3 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
The first T600 module entering the clean room at CERN Slide: 4 LArTPC14, July 9, 2014
The detector as never seen before Slide: 5 LArTPC14, July 9, 2014
The crew Slide: 6 LArTPC14, July 9, 2014
It could not be done without CERN Slide: 7 LArTPC14, July 9, 2014
WA104 – Accomplished tasks Slide: 8 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
WA104 – To Do list (I) Slide: 9 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
WA104 – To Do list (II) Slide: 10 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
WA104 – To Do list (III) Slide: 11 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014
WA104 – To Do list (IV) Slide: 12 weekly meeting, December 18, 2014 So many things to do, so little time...