“I am confronted by insurmountable opportunity.” Pogo Possum TEST SLIDE for sharply focusing projector and adjusting the lighting of the room for optimal viewing. A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES
A World of Possibilities
Almost anything is possible— if you believe it.
A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others
A World of Possibilities 1. Your Vision Map 2. Making the Growth Choice 3. The Way of Peace 4. Heart Intelligence 5. The Freedom of Self-Discipline
A World of Possibilities 6. Embracing This Present Moment 7. Accepting and Loving Your Body 8.Healthy Relationships 9.Unleashing Your Creativity 10.Gifts of Gratitude and Blessing
Module # 1 of 10 Your Vision Map
Group Activity SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTION : What do you feel most passionate about?
“Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” Napoleon Hill
The Target of Life is a very helpful way to understand our individual and collective well-being.
When you’re centered in the heart of the Target of Life, you’re at your best and life seems brighter. You see clearly and therefore make optimal decisions. You feel peaceful, loving, energetic, and happy. You’re in a good position to handle just about anything. However, when things happen that go against our desires and expectations, it’s easy to get pulled off center.
We experience more fear and negativity. We say and do things we regret. The immune system weakens and our productivity declines. We lose touch with what’s really important to us. Unhealthy stress increases and our sensitivity toward others decreases. And the further away from the center we move, the worse it gets!
That’s why it’s so important to catch early signs of stress, and to use all of our creativity to stay as centered as possible. When we are centered in the heart of the Target of Life, difficulties still crop up, but we can handle them much more smoothly and effectively. The more centered we are, the greater our well-being, the wiser our choices, and the more effective we are in everything we do.
Group Activity SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTION : A well-known proverb states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” What does this mean to you?
You are a one-of-a-kind person with extraordinary potential!
Within you resides amazing energy, an intuitive ability to make the wisest decisions, and the creative power to accomplish the deepest desires of your heart. And what’s true for you is true for all of us.
Group Activity What does it cost to bring a vision to life? Can you give an example of such a cost? SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTION:
Your Vision Map is a way of tapping into one of your important longings and then creating a tangible picture of what you want to accomplish, with key steps for getting there.
Dare to explore courageously the dreams dancing in your heart and soul and make a commitment to the one that calls to you most clearly at this point in your life.
Craft and keep in front of you a clear picture of your vision so that you are inspired by it and stay on course without being sidetracked needlessly.
Be prepared for both obstacles and opportunities by remaining imaginatively flexible and optimistically open to fresh and unexpected ways of achieving the essence of your vision.
Enthusiastically share your dream with those who are receptive, and seek support from the sources that feel most right to you— special friends, sympathetic organizations, or, perhaps, your relationship with God or a higher power.
Using all your senses, make a habit of creating full-color mental movies in which you see your emerging vision in its full glory and can observe its many benefits.
In bringing your dream to life, be sure to enjoy each step along the way so that you find abundant satisfaction and pleasure through the entire journey as well as in the final unfolding of your vision.
Group Activity SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTION : Think of a person who, in your opinion, has done a great job of bringing a vision to life. What can you learn from his or her success that you might apply in your life?
What would you love to do? What brings you joy? In your heart of hearts, what do you long for?
When you have a deep desire to accomplish something positive and you can say, “I would LOVE to do that,” you probably are tapping into a true vision.
Commit to your dream, stay focused, and work diligently to attain your objectives, but relinquish the tendency to control all the details. Make friends with uncertainty and the array of possibilities it brings.
Don’t immediately talk yourself out of something you really want to do simply because it might not seem practical, or you’re worried about what others might think, or you feel it’s too late.
In pursuing your dream, you will almost certainly run into obstacles. Remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way. With almost every major challenge, the key to success lies in persistence.
President Lincoln said it well: “You can have anything you want— if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.”
Trust in your heart of hearts! Believe in your vision! And go for it!
Think about what you have been learning, and then pick out one small goal you want to accomplish in the next few days. Choose a new possibility that’s important to you. Write your action plan now, briefly stating exactly what you will do and by when. A New Possibility
“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.” Richard Bach
POSITIVE SELF-TALK I love inviting others to share their noble hopes and dreams as I, in turn, offer my abundant encouragement and humble insight.
Remember, the more centered you are on the Target of Life, the more accepting and loving you will be, and the easier it will be for you to sense and follow your heartfelt dreams and visions.
Together, let’s envision and build a world where all people enjoy optimal well-being. Let’s strive to awaken fresh thinking, new enthusiasm, and abundant love. Let’s create a world of undreamed-of possibilities. It can be done!
Almost anything is possible— if you believe it.
A World of Possibilities
Thank You!