Public Speaking
Expository Speech Evaluation Form Attention Getter- Delivery Eye Contact – Voice- Movement- Organization and Content- Conclusion- Time ___________ Visual Aid ____________
Persuasive Attention Getter Begin with a startling statistic or facts about the danger or impact of your topic, an example story, or a personal testimony to engage your audience and focus them on your topic. Eye Contact You must not read the cards. Only write an outline of your speech content on your note cards and that will reduce the chances of you reading them. Voice Focus on projecting your voice-- you want the sound to go clearly all the way to the back corner of the classroom. Avoid speaking in a monotone and take a deep breath before you begin speaking.
Movement Use movement to emphasize your points and/or demonstrate aspects of the content of your speech. Avoid gripping the podium and standing rigidly, but also, don’t overdo the movement to the point of distraction. Organization and Content Explain the steps involved if it’s a how-to speech or the content if it’s an expository speech.
Conclusion Make it sound like an ending Conclusion Make it sound like an ending. Summarize with a statement such as: These are the steps involved in making pulled-pork barbecue. Time You must reach at least 2 minutes to avoid losing points. It is VERY important that you practice your speech and time yourself or have someone else time you with a stopwatch. If you reach 5 minutes, I will then warn you that you need to wrap up your speech. (Don’t just stop talking at that point!)
Visual Aid You must have some type of visual aid that goes with your topic. It can be a video, the object you are discussing, digital photos, or a poster board with photos and captions. The power point presentation for your persuasive speech must have at least six slides with a minimum of 3 pictures or tables of statistics. Your last slide must be a list of your sources you used from the internet. Save your presentation on your student z: drive with your full name and “persuasive”, e.g. nathan nevels persuasive 2015