M Y G AME By Karee
W HAT I H AVE L EARNED I have learned a lot since the beginning of the year. I have learned how to navigate between scenes and put different codes in. It is so much easier now that I know what I’m doing. Now I have my game so you can answer at least the first question, see if it is wrong or right, and go on to the second question.
M Y G AME My game includes math. The specific math concept is adding and subtracting integers I designed this game for people who have trouble with adding and subtracting integers. I also designed this game for people that like to save hurt animals. It will be fun to play because you get to help hurt animals. It teaches people how to add and subtract integers. I will use animated dog and cat pictures and dog and cat sounds. My game is unique because I don’t know if there is a game that helps hurt animals.
S TART P AGE A ND H OW T O P LAY P AGE On the starting page you will see a start button and a help button. You will also see the title. When you click on the start button it will take you strait to the first problem. When you click on the help button it will take you to the how to play page, it tells you how to play the game and then you can play or go back to the starting page.
P ROBLEM #1 On problem number 1 you will see the problem and a hurt dog. You can click on your answer and it will tell you if you got it right or wrong.
G AME In my game you get to help hurt animals and you get to learn how to add and subtract integers. You can go to my team page to look at my game by clicking here. clicking here