Balance Sandra M Schneider MD
If you don’t know where you are going You won’t know when you get there
Priorities Only 24 hours a day Only 24 hours a day Only 365/6 days per year Only 365/6 days per year Only 1 life Only 1 life
Use of time Use of time Perception of time Perception of time
Quality and Quantity Compartmentalize your life Compartmentalize your life Whatever you are doing, do it fully Whatever you are doing, do it fully Undivided attention when attention is needed Undivided attention when attention is needed Your family, friends are the most important at that moment Your family, friends are the most important at that moment
Meeting Meeting Opening reception Opening reception Family meet you at the end Family meet you at the end Build new friendships Build new friendships
Vacation Meeting Opening reception Opening reception Family meet you at the end Family meet you at the end Build new friendships Build new friendships
Use every minute Always carry work Always carry work Work when no one is around, when you are waiting, when there is any blank moment Work when no one is around, when you are waiting, when there is any blank moment Children’s activities – work and watch. Children’s activities – work and watch. Double duty – vacations, conference calls, mornings or nights Double duty – vacations, conference calls, mornings or nights 2 briefcases on every trip 2 briefcases on every trip
Get organized Time management is a must Time management is a must Carry a tablet/3X5/palm/dictaphone for random thoughts Carry a tablet/3X5/palm/dictaphone for random thoughts Touch each paper once Touch each paper once File system for File system for To Do list To Do list
filecabinet Delete Delete Inbox Inbox Outbox Outbox Sent Sent Personal folder Personal folder –Delete –Inbox –Outbox –Sent Delete Delete Inbox Inbox Outbox Outbox Sent Sent Personal folder Personal folder –ACEP –Inbox –To Do –Sent
To Do List
Who else can do this? Dictate EVERYTHING Dictate EVERYTHING Assistant does mail, travel arrangements, filing, library work, schedule Assistant does mail, travel arrangements, filing, library work, schedule Data entry Data entry Data checking Data checking Power points Power points
Training your assistant They want to be busy They want to be busy Create a communication system Create a communication system Praise often, criticize only when necessary, the next time why don’t we try Praise often, criticize only when necessary, the next time why don’t we try Remember birthdays, Assist Day, holidays Remember birthdays, Assist Day, holidays Let them do their work (plumbers) Let them do their work (plumbers)
Schedule One schedule with personal and professional time commitments One schedule with personal and professional time commitments Work you schedule around family Work you schedule around family Give yourself a day a week to write, etc. Give yourself a day a week to write, etc. Schedule in time with friends, gym, things that are important Schedule in time with friends, gym, things that are important
Shorten meetings Write down what they say Write down what they say Repeat back Repeat back Stand up Stand up
You Understand what is important to you Understand what is important to you Discover what you need to remain sane and keep it in your routine Discover what you need to remain sane and keep it in your routine If that is not practical, find another outlet, preferably quick and transportable If that is not practical, find another outlet, preferably quick and transportable Understand that each person is different Understand that each person is different
Professionally Be careful about the word NO, use it sparingly and appropriately Be careful about the word NO, use it sparingly and appropriately Publish everything you do Publish everything you do Make lots of friends and few enemies Make lots of friends and few enemies Find a great mentor(s) and listen to them Find a great mentor(s) and listen to them
Change Change will cause change. Most times you cannot predict what will happen Change will cause change. Most times you cannot predict what will happen –Maternity –Relocation –New responsibilities Learn to let go of the past and move on Learn to let go of the past and move on Learn to accept what others do and act Learn to accept what others do and act
Family You don’t spend enough time with us/me You don’t spend enough time with us/me You have a life? You have a life?
Closing Thoughts Learn to laugh or drink or both Learn to laugh or drink or both Learn to say No but rarely Learn to say No but rarely Let the past go and enjoy the day. Let the past go and enjoy the day. Remember what is important to you Remember what is important to you
Nina Schorr Who else gets to …. Who else gets to ….
You’ll never get the Nobel prize….. You’ll never get the Nobel prize…..
What will be your legacy?