Fundamentals of Art Final Exam Vocabulary
Vocabulary for Final Exam Objective: You will study and match words with definitions in order to review for final exam. DRILL: 1. First 15 students- get iPads to look at definitions on Edmodo. 2. Take out your Pink Vocab sheet from yesterday or get a new one. 3. You can start writing answers from Edmodo. We will be matching the words on the board as a class.
Tempera Paint An opaque paint medium Lesson we did to learn this: Monochromatic Extra- ordinary objects
Watercolor A transparent paint medium
Charcoal A drawing made from charred wood
Collage A composition created by gluing together pieces of paper, photographs, cloth, and other materials. Lesson we did to learn this: Mandala
Drawing, Painting, Prints Two-dimensional artworks that have height and width.
Aesthetic Dealing with one’s personal sense of beauty.
Critic One who evaluates
Criteria Standards that are used as a basis of assessment. Criteria for Surrealism 1.Must look surreal, use techniques. 2.Must show symbolism. 3.Has an interpretation. 4.Has 3D element 5.Has shading 6.Difficulty 7.Creativity 8.Composition 9.Focus 10.Craftsmanship
Imitationalism An aesthetic theory that emphasizes the literal qualities of an artwork. REALISTIC
Emotionalism An aesthetic theory that emphasizes the expressive qualities of an artwork. Shows a mood.
Formalism An aesthetic theory that emphasizes the visual qualities of the artwork. Uses art elements. Is not expressive or imitational.
Analysis Breakdown of parts for examination
Art Criticism An analytic process used to evaluate art. Lesson we did to learn this: Describe, judge, interpret, analyze Every critique.
Stylize To change or simplify the subject
Contrast A way to create emphasis or focus on a visual area.
Contrast Difference or opposite
Symmetrical A form of visual balance
Imagination Images made up from the mind.
Observation Looking at real objects, figures, or environments. Lesson we did to learn this: Still Life Mandala portraits
Sketch A quickly drawn visual idea.
Highlight Area receiving the greates amount of light.
Contour A line that shows only the edges.
Abstract Not concerned with realistic representation
Composition Arrangement or placement
Interpret To explain the meaning of
Mood A feeling
Narrative Art that tells a story
Render To represent realistically.
Hatching A technique of shading with a series of lines Lesson we did to learn this: Value Hair for portraits Charcoal pencil shoes
Proportion Relationship of size
GenreOverlapping A way to create the illusion of depth. Style of art that shows scenes of everyday life.
Tonal GradationGradation A gradual transition in color/ value. Using value to create a sense of form.
Gesture Symbol A representation. Quick sketch of figure in action.
Assemblage Mixed Media Artworks constructed from parts of other objects. Artworks that incorporate a variety of materials.
Sculpture Stages of Criticism Three-dimensional artworks that have height, width, and depth. Description, analysis, interpretation, judgment.
Print Repetition A way to unify visual elements in a composition. Artworks that are multiples of an image.
Creativity Non-objective Not concerned with representational imagery. The ability to find new solutions to a problem.
Unity Universal Theme Ideas and perceptions that transcend culture, time, and place. A quality of oneness or wholeness in a composition.
Brainstorm Thumbnails A series of small sketches. Generating many ideas by sketching or taking notes.
Movement Perspective Point of view. Implied motion.
Fundamentals of Art Final Exam Review Aesthetic Analysis Critic Criteria Genre Art Criticism Emotionalism Stages of Art Criticism Imitationalism Formalism Collage Tempera Hatching Watercolor Charcoal Tonal Gradation Gesture Stylize Assemblage Prints Drawings Paintings Prints Sculpture Mixed Media Overlapping Gradation Contrast Symmetrical Repetition Brainstorming Imagination Observation Sketch Thumbnails Highlight Contour Abstract Composition Contrast Creativity Interpret Mood Movement Narrative Non-objective Perspective Proportion Render Symbol Unity Universal Theme
Final Exam Review 1. Go to the Art wiki: Go to “For Miss Gauger’s classes, click here--- ” Gauger 3. Click on Final Exam. 4. Click on the power points to review for the final exam. 5. Click download.
Fundamentals of art Final Exam Review Aesthetic Analysis Critic Criteria Genre Art Criticism Emotionalism Stages of Art Criticism Imitationalism Formalism Collage Tempera Hatching Watercolor Charcoal Tonal Gradation Gesture Stylize Assemblage Prints Drawings Paintings Prints Sculpture Mixed Media Overlapping Gradation Contrast Symmetrical Repetition Brainstorming Imagination Observation Sketch Thumbnails Highlight Contour Abstract Composition Contrast Creativity Interpret Mood Movement Narrative Non-objective Perspective Proportion Render Symbol Unity Universal Theme
AestheticAnalysis CriticCriteriaGenre Art CriticismEmotionalismStages of Art CriticismImitationalismFormalism CollageTempera PaintHatchingWatercolorCharcoal AssemblagePrintsDrawings, paintings, printsSculptureMixed Media OverlappingGradationContrastSymmetricalRepetition HighlightImagination Sketch ObservationContour GestureBrainstormingStylizeThumbnailsTonal Gradation AbstractCompositionContrastCreativityInterpret MovementNarrativeMoodNon-ObjectiveRender PerspectiveProportionSymbolUniversal ThemeUnity