+ Solution Overview (LR procedure) The whole sequence for localized routing Local routing capability detection Local routing Initiation LR scope or LR type negotiation Enforce Local routing Local routing service authorization Local routing path setup Setup trust relationship Reach-ability check Establish binding and tunnel Local routing path update during handover
+ Solution Overview (MAG Initiated LR ) Localized routing(LR) Initiation – LR is Initiated by MAG – LR is enforced on MAG through LR parameters negotiating – LR parameters negotiation is done via Enhanced PBU/PBA or new LR messages. – LR parameters contain LR Scope and LR/disable/enable Localized routing Authorization using AAA approach (Optional) – Authorize the use of localized routing for both MAGs – Discover the address of the LMA to which the CN registers Localized routing Setup – Setup BCE, routing table, tunnel interface table via normal PBU/PBA – Similar to setup RO path between MN and CN via BU/BA described in MIP6 RO (RFC3755), Reachability can be checked; Trust relationship can be setup. MN Visited Domain MAG1 LMA Home AAA server Home Domain MAG2 CN AAA Proxy 3.PBU’/LROREQ 4.PBA’/LRORSP (Enforce LR) 1.Attach to MAG1 2.Uplink Datagram trigger 5.Service authorization (Optional) 6.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) 1.Attach to MAG2 7.PUB/PBA (Setup LR) Intra-LMA Localized Routing Intra-MAG localized Routing
+ Solution Overview (LMA Initiated LR ) 1.Attach to MAG2 MN Visited Domain MAG1 LMA Home AAA server Home Domain MAG2 CN AAA Proxy 3.LROREQ 4.LRORSP (Enforce LR) 1.Attach to MAG1 2.Uplink Datagram trigger 5.Service authorization (Optional) 6.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) 7.PUB/PBA (Setup LR) Localized routing(LR) Initiation – LR is Initiated by LMA – Enforce LR through LMA Initiated LR message Localized routing Authorization using AAA approach (Optional) – The operations are same as the way in the MAG initiated LR Localized routing Setup – The operations are same as the way in the MAG initiated LR – IPSec SA between MAGs may setup before PBU/PBA exchange Intra-LMA Localized Routing Intra-MAG localized Routing
+ Solution Overview (handover aspect) Local routing path update during handover – Handover case can be divided into predictive mode handover and Reactive mode handover. – Context request option defined in [I-D.ietf-mipshop-pfmip6] can be used to carry context information. – Context information contains CN’s MAG list with which MN is communicating. – HI/Hack trigger bidirectional PBU/PBA to update the binding and tunnel. MN Visited Domain pMAG1 LMA nMAG1 MN MAG2 1.HI(Predictiv e)) 2.HAck 3.Attach to MAG1 CN 4.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) 5.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) a. pMAG1 initiated Predictive Handover MN Visited Domain pMAG1 LMA nMAG1 MN MAG2 2.HI(Reacti ve) 3.HAck 1.Attach to the nMAG1 CN 4.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) 5.PBU/PBA (Setup LR) b. nMAG1 initiated Reactive Handover
+ Solution Overview (Inter-LMA LR aspect) MN Visited Domain MAG1 LMA1(MN) Home AAA server Home Domain MAG2 CN AAA Proxy 3.LROREQ/LRORSP (Enforce LR[LMA2]) 4.LRORSP (Enforce LR) 1.Attach to MAG1 2.Uplink Datagram trigger 4.Service authorization (LMA2) 7.PUB/PBA (Setup LR) LMA2(CN) 5.LROREQ/LRORSP (Location Query[MAG2]) 1.Attach to MAG1 Localized routing Initiation Localized Routing Authorization and entities discovery – Authorize use of localized routing between MAG1 and MAG2 and fetch LMA2 address from AAA server in terms of MN2(Policy store) – Authorize use of localize routing and Fetch MAG2 address from LMA2 Local routing Setup – The Operations are same as the way in the intra-LMA LR. 6.Service authorization (LMA2)
+ Mapping to PS/Scope #The scope/PS of draft-liebsch-netext- pmip6-ro-ps-01 Mapping in the Solution I-D A Localized routing detection Support localized routing detection on MAG and LMA respectively B Localized routing Initiation Support LR parameters negotiation, LR service authorization and LR enforcement C Localized routing Setup Reuse PBU/PBA to establish LR path and tunnel between two MAGs in communication, compatible to MIPv6 RO mechanism D Handover support (Localized routing Update or Maintenance) Use HI/Hack to retrieve MN’s LR states from pMAG1 and Update LR path on nMAG1 E IPv4 support Support IPv4 HoA and IPv4 transport FPossible localized routing scenarios support (Intra-MAG,Intra-LMA,inter-LMA) Support Intra-MAG, Intra-LMA and Inter- LMA Localized routing
+ Appendix: LR Type Classification LR Type 1: Intra-MAG localized routing LR Type 2: Intra-LMA localized routing LR Type 3:Inter-LMA localized routing