1CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi EU HEP GRID Project Fabrizio Gagliardi
2CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Background EU-NSF discussions on transatlantic collaboration on IT subjects EU-US workshop on large scientific data bases and archives in USA last September Meeting between EU and HEPCCC last November Project proposal initiated and led by HEPCCC Kick-off meeting at CERN on Jan 11, 2000 Encouraged by the EU to submit a proposal by May 10th
3CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Organization Two task forces established (see tml) Technical task force coordinated by Les Robertson Proposal task force coordinated by Fab Gagliardi Participation by institutional representatives
4CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Task forces mission Technical Task Force: Concentrates on understanding available technology and define technical workprogramme Proposal Task Force: Build a consortium and use input from TTF to define a project proposal (on a very short time…)
5CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Current Status HEP active participants: CERN, Hungary, IFAE, IN2P3, INFN, RAL Interested “observes”: NIKHEF, DESY, GSI, other German institutes Links: Monarc, European Research Network, LHC computing management, CERN computing management Potential candidates: Sweden (medical) Project outline reviewed during CHEP2000 Comments/corrections by tomorrow midnight
6CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Industrial participation Preliminary contacts with GRIDware, Siemens, StorageTEK National institutions to propose industrial candidates by mid March Equipment provider and middleware developer roles
7CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Other sciences Contacts being established with: Biology Life science Earth Observation Meteorology
8CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Project Outline Focus on: management of large amount of data high throughput computing automated management of both local computing fabrics and wide-area GRID Middleware development Testbed demonstrators
9CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Workprogramme R&D required on: Adaptability Scalability Wide-area distribution of resources Tentative Workpackages: computing fabric management mass storage management wide area data management wide-area workload management wide-area application monitoring application development/adaptation Develop in the light of today’s workshop
10CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Resources National/regional part of the GRID funded by national agencies High performance bandwidth across sites to be provided by other initiatives (Geant?) EU financial support for development of midddleware, overall integration and operation of testbeds Support for exchange of staff and dissemination of information (workshops, conferences etc)
11CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Next actions Outline to the EU for information/feedback on 14/2/2000 Project technical programme to be defined at TTF workshop at CERN on March 7 Consortium and programme of work by end of March 2000 EU Proposal to be finalized by end of April Process approval/negotiation for the rest of this year Possible project start early 2001 Foreseen project duration till Second phase ???
12CHEP2000 February 2000F. Gagliardi Main issues Define a valid and credible technical programme of work in a very short time US participation (approval process and funding) HEP and other sciences priorities and workschedule HEP and industry priorities and workschedule Relations to other similar initiatives in EU and US Project management Politics...