Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness!
Outreach Ministry Shampoo Deodorant (travel or regular sizes) Collecting for Family Promise: Soap Toothpaste Toothbrushes Contact: Haden Oliver
Heifer International Last day for donating items: Saturday, April 4, 12 noon Unique Clothing Drive and Fundraiser Contact: Dedra Beauchamp, Virginia Guffey, Lynn Sabatini
UMC...Sunrise Circuit Events UMC of Rancho Cordova Taize Prayer Service Monday, March 30 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
UMC...Sunrise Circuit Events Citrus Heights UMC Prayer Vigil Saturday, April 4 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board
Scrip Orders Next scrip order: Monday, April 20 at 8:30 am. Order forms on Narthex bulletin board. Contact: Church Office
Life’s Challenges Support Group Life’s Challenges Support Group For Men and Women 1 st and 3 rd Mondays April 6 and 20 6:00 pm, Library Contact: Loretta Dodge Bob Gilberg Sponsored by Caring Ministry
Outreach Ministry Be a Cake Angel! Contact: Karlene Brown
Outreach Ministry Food Drive Sundays: 1 st Sunday of the month
Outreach Ministry Tarps for the Homeless Contact: Ruby and Wayde Wicker What are You Passionate About? Tarps and monetary donations gratefully accepted.
Church Note Cards $4 for 1 card $20 for 6 cards Easter Note Cards in the Narthex
Participate in Sunday Worship Service Sign up to participate in April, May, and June Flowers, Liturgist, Communion Servers, Greeters, Offering …and others Contact: Margo Williams
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 03/30 Little Methodist School Spring Break 04/02 Maundy Thursday service at 7 pm 04/03 Good Friday 04/05 Easter Sunday 04/10 Circuit Revival at Fair Oaks UMC 04/24 SWAG Youth Group 30 Hour Famine 04/25 Little Methodist School Trike-a-Thon 05/01 Circuit Revival at Rancho Cordova
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 05/09 SWAG Youth Group Talent Show 05/16 Spring Work Day – confirmed 05/24 Pentecost Sunday 06/01 Little Methodist School Summer Day Camp 06/05 Circuit Revival at St. Mark’s UMC 06/07 Outdoor Worship Service in our Courtyard 06/17 Annual Conference in Burlingame begins 07/11 Red White & Blue BBQ & Pie Auction
Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 07/19 Heritage Sunday 07/20 SWAG Youth Group Summer Mission Week 07/23 Hand Chime rehearsals begin 08/07 Circuit Revival at Fair Oaks UMC 08/30 Hymn Sunday 09/06 Family Sunday Intergenerational Service 11/22 Candlelighting Apportionment Sunday