Egg Drop
Egg Drop – write in your composition notebook! Problem: Design a container that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped from the school roof. Constraints: When dropped from the roof, the egg can’t break. Criteria: – The vessel must be as low in mass and – As small in size as possible to keep the egg safe.
Background Information Egg will be provided day of the drop – Tuesday, Nov. 5th No parachutes, propellers, gliders, or Helium balloons… No glass or anything dangerous No motors or engines of any kind The egg must be returned in original condition for points
Point Values for Container Size: – 10 cm X 10 cm = 4 points – 20 cm X 20 cm = 3 points – 30 cm X 30 cm = 2 points – Larger = 1 points Mass – Egg mass = 60 g. – Less than 50 g container = 4 points – g container = 3 points – g container = 2 points – or larger = 1 points
Due Monday: Labeled sketch with written description (4 pts.) Due Tuesday: YOUR CONTAINER!!! You can bring it Monday (8 pts possible if both light and small) Wednesday: Analysis (8 pts.) If your egg survived: 1. Write an explanation of how your design protected the egg (include a discussion of forces). 2. If you could redesign your container, how could you make it smaller and lighter, while maintaining its ability to protect the egg? If your egg did not survive: 1. Write an explanation of why your design did not protect the egg (include a discussion of forces). 2. If you could redesign your container, how could you make it work to protect the egg, while still trying to keep it as small and light as possible?