Wednesday August 26, 2015 SSR You need folders and writers’ notebooks. **Get out signed tests if you need to turn it in**
Cognitive Commodity #2… pg. 9 Compare and contrast the following sentences: “When actors are filmed in a car through the windshield, there’s usually no rearview mirror.” -- Bathroom Readers’ Institute, Extraordinary Book of Facts and Bizarre Information, “One of my chores is dusting the dining room furniture, and that’s what I was doing this morning when I heard a knock at the front door.” --Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Third Wheel
Subordinating Conjunctions… pg. 10 Glue this in your writers’ notebooks. **Subordinating Conjunctions begin DEPENDENT CLAUSES! ** ALWAYS use a comma when a subordinating clause is at the BEGINNING of a sentence. ** NEVER use a comma when a subordinating clause is at the END of a sentence. REMEMBER: Phrases = X verb
“When I Was Little”… pg. 11 Listen as I read it aloud to you. Now, paste it into your writer’s notebook. Re-read it to yourself and underline anything you can relate to. Mark it TS, TT, TW, TM: TS = Text to Self TT = Text to Text TW = Text to World TM = Text to Media
“When I Was Little”… pg. 11 Turn and Talk… 2 min. to share any connections you made. Be sure to comment on what your neighbor says!
“When I Was Little”… pg. 11 I want you to do what we call a QUICK WRITE… What do you think this is? Start with “When I was little…” Write for 7 min. READY, SET, GO! Let’s share!!! I will go first.
Get out your folders Let’s compile a list of conflicts within the character of Greyling. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Himself ARE THESE INTERAL or EXTERNAL?
“Greyling” I want you to go back and re-read this silently to yourself. Place a star next to any conflicts that you see Greyling has in the story. 10 min. --Now, share yours with your face partner. If you want to add what your face partner said, place a star next to it!
“Greyling” Let’s add these to our chart for future use. Within your group, you need to come up with 1 internal struggle and 1 external struggle. UNDERLINE THE TEXT EVIDENCE to support your thinking in the story. INTERNAL= Orange sticky note EXTERNAL= Yellow sticky note EXTERNAL= Yellow sticky note
Narrative Elements… pg. 8 Flip the page and glue it on the back of 7 and 8. 1) Plot 2) Setting 3) Characterization 4) Atmosphere 5) Point of View 6) Conflict
“Greyling” Let’s look at this again.
Mrs. Lareau’s model… pg 10 1) Follow along as I will read it again to you. 2) With your shoulder partner, discuss any figurative language. (5 minutes) 4) Now, T.A.G. my writing. (2 minutes) 3) Find all 1 st person pronouns and Highlight them in a different color. (2 minutes)