Individuals with Disabilities Education Act PL
History Signed into effect in 1975 by President Gerald Ford Originally called the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) Renamed in 1990 by President George W. Bush Sr. The first education Bill of Rights within the United States
Expanded in 1983 as PL Expanded in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan as PL Expanded in 1990 by President George Bush as PL Expanded also in 1990 by President George Bush as PL Source: Parents United Together: The Legislative History of Special Education
Expanded in 1992 by again President George Bush as PL Expanded in 1997 by President Bill Clinton as PL Expanded in 2001 by President George Bush Jr. as PL Source: Parents United Together: The Legislative History of Special Education & Wikipedia
5 Main Points Zero reject Nondiscriminatory education Appropriate education Least-restrictive environment Procedural due process
Components and Services IEP Resource Room Specialized Programs such as: Speech Physical Therapy Counseling
Controversies Mainstreaming Inclusion Least-Restrictive Environment Special Education Pull-in/ Push-out
Created by, Alicia Burt