What is the name of the British flag?
Union Jack
What country is not the part of the UK?
a)England b)India c)Scotland d)Northern Ireland
What are the most famous symbols of London?
a)Big Ben b)Statue of Liberty c)the Tower
What is the longest river in Great Britain?
a)The Thames b)The Severn
What was the name of Shakespeare’s theatre?
a)The Bolshoi Theatre b)The Globe
Who discovered America?
a)Amerigo Vespucci b)James Cook c)Christopher Columbus
How many stars are there on the American flag?
a)67 b)50
How do we call American money?
a) dollar b) euro
Who is the president of the USA now?
a)Barack Obama b)Ronald Reagan c)Hillary Clinton
What is the capital of the USA?
a)New York b)Washington DC
What is the capital of Australia?
a) Melbourne b) Canberra c) Sydney
In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas?
a) In winter b) In spring c) In summer
What is the most famous animal of Australia?
a) elephant b) kangaroo c) hare
Who discovered Australia?
a) Vasco da Gama b) James Cook
Name the Australian bird which can not fly but runs fast?
a) cock b) emu c) hummingbird
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