Los quehaceres Vocabulary Practice Kaylor Productions
For this review you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Read the English word or phrase. Write down the Spanish equivalent including an indefinite article. Check your work! Spelling counts and accents are a part of spelling. Click to the next slide to check your work. If you made a mistake write it three times correctly to cement the correct answer in your mind.
to work in the garden
trabajar en el jardín
to clean your room
arreglar el cuarto
to water the plants
regar las plantas
to sweep the floor
barrer el piso
to take out the trash
sacar la basura
to cut the grass
cortar el césped
To pick up the room
recoger el cuarto
to take care of the cat
cuidar al gato
to clear the table
quitar la mesa
to make the bed
hacer la cama
to set the table
poner la mesa
to wash the dishes
lavar los platos
to iron the clothes
planchar la ropa
to wash the clothes
lavar la ropa
to vacuum
pasar la aspiradora
to clean the kitchen
limpiar la cocina
to organize the desk
organizar el escritorio