TAHARAT AND NAJASAT FIQH CLASS 4 LESSON 9 Realized by a Kaniz-e-Fatima for isale sawab of her mummy French version Approved by Mulla Nissarhussen Rajpar
Taharat = Purity (not cleanliness) Najasat = Impurity (not dirty)
Things that are Najis will make other things Najis when: - they are wet AND - they are touched by that Najis thing.
Mutahhiraat = those things that can make a Najis thing Tahir (pure).
Some Mutahhiraat are: - Water
- Sun
- Becoming a Muslim.
Some things that are 'Ayn Najis' - originally Najis are: 1 - Urine and Stool
2- Blood
3- Dead body
4- Kàfir (unbeliever)
5- Dog
6- Pig
7- Alcoholic drinks.