Middle East Unit Lesson 4
Identify causes of the Arab Spring. Explore the role of social media in the uprising. Identify the connection to other protests in the region. Consider the US response to the events. Consider the potential effects of the protests on democracy and stability in the Middle East.
Name two challenges Middle Eastern nations have faced since independence.
What is a revolution? Why is it important to learn about the Arab Spring revolutions? Overthrow of est govt by people governed; sudden, often violent change in society Support humanity, democracy, better life Exciting Appreciate risks taken US ties to region Youth revolt
Economic Conditions High unemployment Low minimum wages Inflation (food prices) Class stratification Political Conditions No democratic values! Lack voice in govt No free speech/assembly Police brutality/corruption Who is demonstrating? Youth College students & grads Fundamentalists & Opposition Groups
Facebook,Twitter, YouTube Mohamed Bouazizi “We are all Khaled Said” Jan 25 th “Day of Rage” protest Sped up pace of revolution Organize ppl Transmit info Gather support Media Blackout Underground tech mvmt Open pic for great paper on topic!
Tunisia Egypt Libya Syria Algeria Jordan Kuwait Morocco Lebanon Oman, Yemen, Bahrian
Economic Ties Grain (wheat) for cotton Oil Political Ties “Double Bind” Authoritarian but stabilize volatile region Regional Stability “Productive instability” – short term chaos good for long term Democratic change? Rise Political Islam?
Working in small groups, explore the ongoing events surrounding the revolutions & uprisings in several key Middle Eastern nations.
Cause of Protest? Status Today? Successful? How measure success? Major obstacles? US Perspective/Actions
Washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/world/middle-east-protests Cnn.com/SPECIALS/2011/arab.unrest/index.html Nytimes.com/interactive/world/middleeast/middle-east- hub.html#syria Guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2011/mar/22/middle-east- protest-interactive-timeline English.aljazeera.net/indepth/spotlight/2011 to-the-syrian-conflict.html to-the-syrian-conflict.html
Revolution or protest? Why has the US responded differently to protests in different nations?
This lesson was made possible in part by resources from Brown University’s “Choices Program” – Teaching with the News Lessons Egypt’s Uprising and After Mubarak.