Name of institute Name of author/s B.I.C. János Sztankó The study case of BIC Business Incubator Centre Bekescsaba Bekes County-Hungary.


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Presentation transcript:

Name of institute Name of author/s B.I.C. János Sztankó The study case of BIC Business Incubator Centre Bekescsaba Bekes County-Hungary Bucarest, Octobre, 2008

Name of institute Name of author/s Territorial context B.I.C. János Sztankó South-East Hungary 20 kms from the Romanian border

Name of institute Name of author/s Knowledge infrastructure B.I.C. János Sztankó 2005HungaryBékés CountyBékéscsaba Universities, tertiary education 7141 Students enrolled 424,1612,699 Teaching staff 23,18879 Secondary schools 2, Pupils enrolled 572,17716,8387,291 Teaching staff 58,3311, R&D centres 2, Scientists from R&D units 23,

Name of institute Name of author/s Local Actors B.I.C. János Sztankó Business Incubator Centre Regional Training Centre Agency for Enterprise Promotion Chamber of Industry and Commerce Association of Entrepreneurs Local SMEs

Name of institute Name of author/s Possible stakeholders B.I.C. János Sztankó Business Incubator Centre of Bekescsaba Agricultural and Food Industrial Innovation Centre Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Bekes County Regional Training Centre of Bekescsaba SMEs

Name of institute Name of author/s Targeted sectors B.I.C. János Sztankó -Tourism Kind and No. Of SMEs in the lab: -micro SMEs companies administration & other org. Main problems - low cooperation and capacity use

Name of institute Name of author/s Targeted group B.I.C. János Sztankó Targeted facilitators/participants: -I’m trainer and actor as well Other actors potential facilitators: -Regional Training Centre Collegues - Chamber collegue - Municipality collegues - Tourinform Association / SMEs Competence in AL methods: -only SWOT & case studies - lack of theoretical knowledge of methods - lack of English language

Name of institute Name of author/s Possible stakeholders B.I.C. János Sztankó Business Incubator Centre of Bekescsaba Agricultural and Food Industrial Innovation Centre Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Bekes County Regional Training Centre of Bekescsaba SMEs

Name of institute Name of author/s Working Labs in B.I.C. - Békéscsaba B.I.C. János Sztankó Laboratory / workshops ( feb.-okt. 2008) The workshops were concentrating to the tourism development of Bekescsaba. Pwpt presentations informed the participants about the actual development plan, which was very interested by the team. They got acquainted by the SME ACTor project and was told, that some of the tools will be used during the meeting, which the group-members can use too in their further activities and later some of the participants can use this knowledge as facilitator too.

Name of institute Name of author/s Evaluations and lessons learnt B.I.C. János Sztankó Evaluation: -The interest from the different parties, SMEs and other organizations was promising and it seems, that a good common work can be done. The SMEs are mainly focusing on the practical profitability of their participation, getting some first hand information and some knowledge they can use in their work. On the other hand the organization representatives are more interested in the didactics and tools used that they can implement in their work. Lessons learnt: - Participation should be checked one – two days before the meeting by calls. -Time keeping is difficult, so tools (eg. sand-clock) should be introduced and/or agreements should be made in advance. -It would be useful to project the description of tools and case studies are always make the workshop more interesting.

Name of institute Name of author/s Planned use of SMEACTor in rograms and projects B.I.C. János Sztankó Themepark development Establishment of facilities on biomass production Establishment of Northern Logistic Park Cross-border training network building

Name of institute Name of author/s B.I.C. - Békéscsaba B.I.C. János Sztankó Thank you for your attention !